This website was created to provide information, contacts, and web links to the community of gothic and pagan cultures as well as related interests.  Elegant Fashion, News, Literature, Paganism and Witchcraft, Artwork, Music, History, and much more.
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The Phenomena of Hairpieces and Extensions
***Some stories and poems here were written by new and unknown authors.  Any poems, short stories, or series of stories may be submitted by email to be posted in this section.
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This website and sites that this website links to may not be suitable for younger audiences.  Therefore, if you are younger than 18 years of age please exit here.  The contents of this website are not responsible for corrupting the minds of any minors.  Goddess forbid I might offend anyone.
Otherwise, keep an open mind while viewing this website please.
The Classics
Salem Witch Trials
Dark Community
Sites Made To Honor the...
Sites Made To Mock the...
"Goth Goose of the Week"
"Goth Boy of The Week"
That of a Facetious Nature
How To Dance Gothic
This website is copyrighted to Sage CalliaFaye in association with Yahoo! Geocities.
All information, graphics, and the like are property of the owners unless otherwise noted.
In otherwords, Look but Don't Steal!
Problems Only Christian Goths Have
Current Music: "Redlight" by Siouxsie & The Banshees
Beliefs and Practices
About Paganism and Wicca
Tough Questions for The Christian Church
Book of Shadows
Pagan Humor
Introduction to Wicca
Gothic Match.com
Magick Dictionary
Magick Tools
"Goth Babe of The Week"
*Interaction and Personals*
Fri, August 29, 2003 - Working on the Band links and official Sites pages.  Also some places to hear sample songs.  I will not put up full mp3s, I am promoting the band not ripping them off.
Suggested Reading
"Goth Wanker of the Week"
Pagan Recipes
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"Gothic Shortcake of the Week"
*"Darkened Pagan of the Week"*
"Spooky Hottie of the Week"
*"Big Beautiful Goth of the Week"*
"Crimson Kiss of the Week"
"Gothic Society's Monthly Model"
*"Natural Goth of the Month"*
*"Out and Proud Goth of the Month"*
*Stared sites are for originality and creativity.  Recommended Viewing!
"Gothic Bitch of the Week"
List of Pagan Goddesses / Gods
Spiritualitea Witch Pages
These sites are meant for entertainment, not to be disrespectful or degrading.
Witch Tales - A Game of Words & Witches
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Church of Satan
Temple of Set: Official Site
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