Thank you for visiting our Spotlight Page.
Here we will highlight one of our classmates
from time to time. We look forward to this endeavor,
and hope it will be enjoyable to our classmates.

Through this page, we hope to give you a glance
into the present lives of our group...
allowing us to become a bit more connected
to each other.


Linda then.....

Linda now.....

Our Spotlight Classmate shines brightly
on Linda Via Hunsaker. Linda has long
been a favorite of the JJKHS Class of ’72,
with her contagious laughter, and amazing
youthful appearance and energy!!!!

Q: Who was your favorite teacher?

LVH: Sterling Gilliam, as a classroom
teacher, and Sue Fletcher as a mentor.

Q: What was your most embarrassing
moment in high school?

LVH: I fell down the stairs on the
way to gym and my dress was literally
over my head. Coach Watts was at the
bottom of the stairs and I was mortified.

Q: Tell us your funniest experience
in high school.

LVH: The varsity cheerleading squad
was at camp in VA Beach and Cathy Day
was my swim buddy. She stuffed her swim
top with tissue and when she got wet it
was a mess. It was everywhere and we
were desperately trying to grab
it up. I was hysterical.

Q: Did you have a secret crush
in high school -- if so 'fess up,
who was it?

LVH: Most of my crushes weren't secret,
ha. Probably, Kathy Wright's brother, Jack.

Q. Who was your best friend in
high school? Do you still keep in touch?

LVH: Sally Nelson, Kathy Wright,
Mary Timp, and Mary Frances Hogan
were my best friends. I try and keep
in touch with all of them. I can't
seem to find Mary Frances. Mary Timp
and Kathy and I e-mail each other. I
see or talk to Sally maybe once a
year but it seems just like yesterday.

Q. Have your goals changed since
high school? In what way?

LVH: Not really. I always wanted
a career and marriage. I did want
more children but my two boys
are the loves of my life.

Q. What event in high school changed
the course of your life - if any?

LVH: Some people reading this
probably won't believe it but when
I moved to Wise County in the 9th
grade I was very insecure and shy.
Kathy Wright talked me into trying
out for cheerleader. I did and got it.
It gave me more self confidence and
got my nose out of books for awhile.
Yep, hard to believe, huh?

Q. What words of wisdom would
you give a high school student today?

LVH: I could give many words of
wisdom but I doubt they would listen,
experience is the best teacher. The
best I can come up with is believe
in yourself, (you'll always be there),
and live by the Golden Rule.

Q: If you could sum up your years
at Kelly in one or two words, what
would those words be???

LVH: Friends and fun= Happy Days

Q. If you could change one thing
about your high school years, what
would it be?

LVH: I probably would have been
better off not dating my senior
year, ha. What a mess I made.

Q. Was there anything in high
school you "got away with" but
you want to confess now???? Oh...
come little thing!!!!!!

LVH: I don't remember ever getting
away with anything! I always got
busted or my conscience would
overwhelm me with guilt and I'd
tell on myself. Maybe the time I went
to a college party with Robbie Stinson
and got smashed on purple passion. He
and his Mom (yep his Mom) nursed me
back to health but I had thrown up
everywhere. My clothes were covered.
Yuck! I got home, cleaned up and
never told about my stupidity. Ha.
As far as I know, no one else did
either. There are many more stories,
but let's say they are life's
experiences for growth and maturity.

Thanks Linda, for sharing with us....
and know that we all LUV YA MUCHES!!!!

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