"Jesus' entire earthly existence, from conception to death on teh cross, was a single act of love, so much so that we can summarize our faith in these words: Jesus Caritas, Jesus Love.
- Pope Benedict XVI


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Lord Jesus, help me to be open to your closeness and presence and I begin this journey to Calvary with you. Help me to find in your Passion and Death the strength to take up my cross and follow you.


I adore your, Lord Jesus, and I praise you.
Because by your Holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.


Our Father ....
Hail Mary ...
Glory be to the Father ...


Jesus is condemded to death

Leaving the House of Caiphas, and dragged before Pilate and Herod, mocked, beaten, and spat upon, His back torn with scourges, His head crowned with throns, Jesus is condemned by unjust judges to death.

Lord Jesus, often I judge others and fail to be understanding or loving. Help me to see the peoples in my life through your eyes, not the eyes of Pontius Pilate.


Jesus receives His Cross.

A strong, and therefore heavy Cross, for it is strong enough to bear Him on it when He arrives at Calvary, is placed upon His torn shoulders. He receives it gently and meekly, nay, with gladness of heart, for it is to be the salvation of mankind.

Lord Jesus, you embraced your cross to redeem the world. Help me to embrace the crosses in my life - the hardships, struggles, disappointments, pain.Only by recognizing my own weakness, can I discover your strength.


Jesus Falls the First Time.

Jesus, bowed down under the weight and the length of the unwieldy Cross, which trailed after Him, slowly sets forth on His way, amid the mockeries and insults of the crowd. His agony in the Garden itself was sufficient to exhaust Him; but it was only the first of a multitude of sufferings. He sets off with His whole heart, but His limbs fail Him, and He falls.

Lord Jesus, you know how often I fall trying to follow you. Yet you are always there to lift me up. Help me always to trust in your loving care for me.


Jesus Meets His Mother.

Jesus rises; though wounded by His fall, He journeys on, with His Cross still on His shoulders. He is bent down; but at one place, looking up, He sees His Mother. For an instant they just see each other, and He goes forward.

Lord Jesus, your mother Mary's grief was surpassed by her love for you. So often you come to me in others and their love gives me new life. Help me to see how often you love me through the people in my life.


Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus Carry the Cross.

At length His strength fails utterly, and He is unable to proceed. The executioners stand perplexed. What are they to do? How is He to get to Calvary? Soon they see a stranger who seems strong and active--Simon of Cyrene. They seize on him, and compel him to carry the Cross with Jesus. The sight of the Sufferer pierces the man's heart. Oh, what a privilege! O happy soul, elect of God! he takes the part assigned to him with joy.

Lord Jesus, sometime I am indifferent to the needs of others in my life. I even neglect those whom I love. Help me to see that loving others is the surest way to find you in my life.


Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus

As Jesus toils along up the hill, covered with the sweat of death, a woman makes her way through the crowd, and wipes His face with a napkin. In reward of her piety the cloth retains the impression of the Sacred Countenance upon it.

Lord Jesus, at times I am afraid to reach out to others. I do nothing when I shoud act, I say nothing when I should speak out. Give me a deeper and more courageous faith. Help me to trust that you are with me.


Jesus Falls a Second Time.

The pain of His wounds and the loss of blood increasing at every step of His way, again His limbs fail Him, and He falls on the ground.

Lord Jesus, failure and disappointment sometimes lead me to dispair. I hide behind my pride and self-pity, withdrawing from you and others. Give me the hope I need and help me never to be afraid to begin again.


Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem.

At the sight of the sufferings of Jesus the Holy Women are so pierced with grief that they cry out and bewail Him, careless what happens to them by so doing. Jesus, turning to them, said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not over Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children."

Lord Jesus, your great compassion for others overwhelms me. I feel petty and selfish when I think of you and the way you love. Help me to pour out my love, that you might fill me with your love.


Jesus Falls the Third Time.

Jesus had now reached almost to the top of Calvary; but, before He had gained the very spot where He was to be crucified, again He fell, and is again dragged up and goaded onwards by the brutal soldiery.

Lord Jesus, your failing strength makes me see how helpless I am. Without you, I can do nothing. Help me to rely on your strength to see how much I need you.


Jesus is Stripped of His Garments.

At length He has arrived at the place of sacrifice, and they begin to prepare Him for the Cross. His garments are torn from His bleeding body, and He, the Holy of Holiest, stands exposed to the gaze of the coarse and scoffing multitude.

Lord Jesus, seeing you so cruelly humiliated makes me realize how I cling to my accomplishments, my possessions, my ways. Help me to let go of those things in my life that prevent me from growing closer to you and others.


Jesus is Nailed to the Cross.

The Cross is laid on the ground, and Jesus stretched upon it, and then, swaying heavily to and fro, it is, after much exertion, jerked into the hole ready to receive it. Or, as others think, it is set upright, and Jesus is raised up and fastened to it. As the savage executioners drive in the huge nails, He offers Himself to the Eternal Father, as a ransom for the world. The blows are struck--the blood gushes forth.

Lord Jesus, I can never doubt your great love for me when I see you crucified. Help me to see your cross as the great sign of your love for me.


Jesus Dies on the Cross.

Jesus hung for three hours. During this time He prayed for His murderers, promised Paradise to the penitent robber, and committed His Blessed Mother to the guardianship of St. John. Then all was finished, and He bowed His head and gave up His Spirit.

Lord jesus, your broken and lifeless body calls me to deeper faith. You chose death, even death on the cross. Help me to csee my crosses as ways of loving you.


Jesus is Taken from the Cross.

The multitude have gone home; Calvary is left solitary and still, except that St. John and the holy women are there. Then come Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, and take down from the Cross the body of Jesus, and place it in the arms of Mary.

Lord Jesus, seeing your body taken from the cross reminds me how fearful I am of letting go of my own life. I am frightened when I think of being unimportant, useless or helpless. help me to place my life in your hands.


Jesus is Laid in the Tomb.

But for a short three days, for a day and a half--Mary then must give Him up. He is not yet risen. His friends and servants take Him from thee, and place Him in an honourable tomb. They close it safely, till the hour comes for His resurrection.

Lord Jesus, when I see the great stone sealing your tomb, I feel alone and abandoned. Even through you sometimes seem distant or absent in my life, help me always to believe in your closeness and your loving presence.


Lord Jesus, help me to walk with you each day of my life, even to Calvary. The sorrow and joy, the pain and healings , the failures and triumphs of my life are truly small deaths and resurrections that lead me to closeness with you. Give me the faith and trust I need to walk with you always. Amen.

St Mary's Our Lady of the Lake Stations of the Cross drapped by John Sansevere
Photos of the Stations by Patricia Thorpe
Text from "Way of the Cross" ~ Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception" contributed by Penney Gentile
Web Layout and Editing by Judi Henrici
19 March 2008

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