~About Me~
~Holiday Cookies~
~My Kountry Kitchen~
~Frugal Gardener~
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God Bless!!

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Hi...I'm Malinda!!

Welcome to Our Lil' Kountry Home!
So many things are changing here so
when you get a few moments check-in
to see what's new =)

Please forgive me for not updating
everything sooner!! Being a Mommie
of 4 wonderfully active kidz sure keeps me
on my toes and quite a buzy bee...hee hee!!
I have taken some pages off my site to try
to make updating a lil' easier for myself!
~Coming Soon~
Banner Exchange, Special Friendships,
Causes, Don't let your child be a victim,
My Crafty Room and much more!!

I would love to know you were here,
so please sign my guestbook =)
I hope you enjoy your visit,
come back soon...Many Blessings!!

><> God Bless <><

*Our Lil' Kountry Home*
Established June 2000
Copyright � Malinda Obayashi 2001

~Nothing on this page for download. Please have some respect!~

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