Blake is loved and missed by
his Mommy Carla, Daddy Chris, MawMaw Martha
and lots of aunts, uncles, cousins and
loving Great Grandparents

Tiny Angel

Tiny angel you were heaven sent
You were here for but a moment
But you are in our hearts forever
Precious was our time together

We had so many hopes and dreams for you
So many things we planned to do
But we had to let you go
It broke our hearts, we loved you so

There are tears because we hurt
But there is joy because you were
Even though you couldn't stay
We are blessed in a special way

You touched our lives and our hearts
We loved you from the start
And precious angel we always will
Though you are gone you are with us still

We are forever blessed by your gentle touch
You are loved and missed so very much
Someday we will hold you in our arms again
Know that we hold you in our hearts til then

Judi Walker
Copyright Sept. 1, 2000
Dedicated to all parents who have lost a baby

My husband Chris and I have been married since 1994. We have tried since 1997 to get pregnant, we've tried fertility specialist, shots, pills and everything imaginable. On May 17, 2002, our dreams finally came true, we were pregnant!

We only had this happiness for two weeks because I started to bleed on May 31, 2002, and on June 1, we found out we had lost our child due to miscarriage.

We immediately began trying again, and found out I was pregnant again August 30, 2002, everything was going great, the months started passing by and everyone said, you've made it through the roughest part, you don't have to worry now. But that wasn't right......

December 28, 2002, I was 21 weeks and 1 day. I woke up with pain in my stomach and I saw bleeding. Mine and Chris's first thought was "Oh no!!!!!!!! Not again!!!!!!" But we drove to the hospital in Anniston, AL. They began to prepare me for surgery to put a stitch in because I had dilated due to an incompetent cervix. This was all new to me, so I thought, thank God they can save my baby. They did an ultra sound and it was at this time that we found out we were having a baby boy. The doctor came in and told me I was being transferred to the University Hospital in Birmingham by Lifesaver helicopter. We were terrified, but they told me this was best to save my baby, so we readily agreed. However, when we got to Birmingham, they said Blake was on his way and chances were he would not survive......our sweet baby boy held on for two more days. He was born into the arms of Angels and his loving MawMaw who is also in Heaven on December 30, 2002, at 7:11 A.M., he weighed only 15 ounces and was 11.5 inches long.

Blake will always be missed by his Mommy and Daddy and the rest of his loved ones he touched during his short minutes here on earth.

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~Thank You~

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site is owned by
Carla *Blake's Mommy*.

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