......  Office Of .........
M. R. Buttery
Sheriff of Hancock County

Sneedville, Tenn
May 10, 1897

Mr. Mc Donald Furman
Ramsey, S. C.

Dear Sir:  I would have written you sooner but got your letter mislaid. 
The man Hatfield you inquire about is no relation to the notorious Hatfield of Kentucky. As to the Melungeons I know of no book containing any history of them. They are a peculiar set of people, most of them are very dark, straight hair and high cheek bones resemble a Cherokee Indian.  Since the war they have become civilized and a great many of them are good citizens and good livers.  I knew old Sol Collins when I was a little boy and was well acquainted with two of his boys and one his girls.  I guess she is the largest woman in the State.  She ways about five hundred pounds.  If you will write Capt L. M. Jarvis of Sneedville he will write you a good history of the Melungeons.
Yours Respectfully,
M.R. Buttery


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