Thomas Hall

MAURY COUNTY, TN - COURT - Thomas Hall, Proof of Race Affidavits

Contributor's Notes:  I would like to share these two Tennessee documents.  
Document number one is a Proof of Race affidavit document acquired by my Great
Great Grandfather Thomas Hall, on September 19, 1835, in Maury County,
Tennessee when he appeared before Justice of the Peace, James L. Crawford.

The second document seems to be a certification by William E. Erwin, Clerk of
the Court of Pleas and quarter session for Maury County, that James L.
Crawford had full authority to issue the Proof of Race document. This
document was dated October 13, 1835.

On June 26, 1843, these documents were filed in Marion County at Yelleville,

In 1850 he moved to Oregon County, Missouri and they were recorded there and
filed on February 13, 1850, by J. R. Woodside, Clerk of that county. The
documents were recorded again in Howell County, Missouri on May 5, 1890. at
9: o'clock A.M. by T.B. Carmical, Recorder.
This was recorded after Thomas Hall's death on December 30, in 1888, in
Howell County, Missouri.  This was filed after his death because his
children's children were expelled from school because they were dark and
caused of being Negroes.  There were several trials in Missouri and Oklahoma.  
The trials proved that they were of Portuguese descent and not Negroes.

                               THOMAS HALL

1835 Proof of Race affidavits from MAURY County, Tennessee

Recorded in Oregon County, Missouri 1850     
Recorded in Howell County, Missouri 1890

State of Tennessee Maury County
I William E. Erwin Clerk of the Court of please and quarter sessions for
said County  do hereby certify that James L Crawford  is an acting justice of
the peace in and for said County of Murry in the State of Tennessee  duly
commission and qualified according to law and that all his official acts are
intitled  to full faith and credit given under my hand and the seal of my
office at office this 13 day of October 1835  and 60 th year of American
Wm  E  Erwin clk.

Filed February 13, 1850    J. R. Woodside    Typed exactly as written:  
State of Tennessee Maury County  this day personally appeared before me James
L: Crawford one of the Justices of the peace in and for said county THOMAS
HALL and made proff by private testomony that the said THOMAS HALL is intitled
to all of the privileges of a private citizen  THOMAS HALL great grand father
on his fathers sid was a poutagee and his great grand father on his mothers
sid was a inglish - man, and THOMAS HALL grand on his fathers sid was of the
poutagee desent, and his grand father on Mothers sid was an Irishman and his
own father was of the poutugee  decent and his mother was a white american
born woman.  sworn to and executed before me this the 19th dayof september
James L. Crawford  J.P.               his                 
                            PRESCOTT   X   NUPANS   (seal)
                              LONNEY   X    HALLS   (seal)

State of Tennessee, Maury County.  
I. William E Erwin Clerk of the Court of Pleas and quarter session for said
County do here by certify that James L. Crawford is an acting Justice of the
peace in & for said County of Maury in the state of Tennessee duly
Commissioned Commissioned and qualified occor-ding to law and that all his
official acts are entitled to full faith and credit.  
Given under my hand and the seal of my office at office this 13th day of
October A.D. 1835. and 60th year of American Independence.   
Wm E. Erwin clk. (seal).    

HOWELL COUNTY GAZETTE        Aug. 23, 1906   West Plains, Missouri
Are They Negroes?
Questions About Henderson Halls  Descendants.
In the Indian Territory Wesley Hall -- His Children Were Excluded from the White
Wesley Hall, a former resident of Howell county, and one of the descendants
of the late Henderson Hall, has come into prominence at Okmulgee, Ind. Ty.,
near which place he resides. Mr. Hall has brought suit for damages against
the board of school directors in the district in which he resides for
ejecting his children from the white schools.
Last Friday depositions in the case were taken in West Plains. Mr. Hall was
represented in the matter by Green & Green, while J.C. Stone, an attorney of
Okmulgee, was here to appear for the school directors who are defendants in
the damage suit. The reason Halls children were ejected from the school is
that the directors claim the children are negroes and not entitled to attend
the white schools.
In 1889 a suit similiar to this one was filed in circuit court here by Jeff
Hall, a relative of Wesley Hall, because his children were refused admission
to the Spring Creek school. The board of directors said the children looked
so much like negroes that they must stay out. Hall brought suit to mandamus
the directors to permit his children to attend the school.
The case was taken to Texas county on a change of venue and H.D. Green, A.H.
Livingston and Colonel Monks appeared for Hall. Judge C.C. Bland presided at
the trial. All the Hall tribe in this county, and they number quite a few,
were present and crowded the court room. The jury after hearing all the
evidence decided that the Halls are not negroes and were entitled to attend
the white schools.
 Henderson Hall, the ancestor of these people, came to Howell county from
Tennessee before the war. He knew little of his folks only that they had
resided in the United States for many years and that they came from Portugal.
They were sea faring people and traveled a great deal. Henderson Hall married
a daughter of Fred Colyer, a Howell county pioneer, who refused to speak to
Hall after he married his daughter, for he believed that Hall was of negro
descent. Many children were born of the marriage and from this family came
the Hall tribe of Howel county. Henderson Hall died five years ago at the
advanced age of 105 years.
 In the taking of depositions here Saturday all these facts were brought out.
In addition it was shown that Jeff Hall has photographs and locks of hair of
a number of his ancestors and he even introduced land titles which were given
members of his family in Tennessee before the war showing conclusively that
they were not negroes, for blacks could not own land in those days.
 Wherever they have gone the Halls have had difficulty with the school boards
for refusing to permit their children to attend the white schools. In every
instance they have won their case for they are able to prove that they are of
Portuguese origin instead of having negro blood course through their veins,
as many might believe from their appearances.

The Bedford Connection  - Patricia Monroe

See Also  A Stranger And a Sojourner - Peter Caulder

David Collins and family is also found in the West Plains, Howell County, Missiouri
See the Saponi Nation of Missouri for more information on this connection
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