Atlanta Constitution
June 25, 1903

He Was Hungry
Talking about courts.  Walter Taylor tells a story on that grand old man and jurist, Judge Richard H. Clarke, so long upon our city court bench.
That cock-eyed melungeon,  Levi Morrison, who was so long a perennial pest to the police, was arraigned before Judge Clarke for the larceny of a box of soap.
When Levi stood up and looked at the judge he resembled a frost-browned chestnut burr more than anything mortal.  The judge said:
"Levi, you are charged with the larceny of a box of soap.  Are you guilty or not guilty?"
"I'se guilty, jedge!" said the culprit as he mournfully cocked his eye at the bench."
"Well, Levi," asked Judge Clarke in those compassionate tones so characteristic of him, "why did you steal that soap?"
Levi looked up with an expression of intense pleading, burst into tears and fairly bawled out:
"Jedge, I was hungry!"
While the crowd roared Judge Clarke bent down behind the bench to tie his shoestrings, I suppose, and when he looked up his face was serene agains and he sentenced Levi to thirty days of three square meals per diem in the county camp.  S.W. S


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