Daddy and Aidan
On a beautiful November morning the day after Thanksgiving, we drove to a nearby Christmas tree farm to pick out our 2006 Christmas tree.  We rented a saw and grabbed a tree cart and walked through the fields of trees looking for the perfect one. 

Aidan loved running through the trees and hiding under them while Mommy and Daddy chased him.  John Paul was tucked snuggly in his wrap sleeping soundly the entire time.
Mommy and John Paul
Aidan touching the Christmas trees
This was the first time Aidan had ever touched a Christmas tree. 
Daddy and Aidan searching for a tree to cut down
Daddy and Aidan chopping down the tree
Aidan and Daddy picked out the perfect tree and then chopped it down together.
Mommy and sons at the Christmas tree farm
Now that we've got our tree it's time to go "bye-bye".
Daddy and Aidan putting on lights
Daddy put the tree up and then showed Aidan how to properly string lights on a Christmas tree and Mommy showed Aidan how to replace burned out lights.  He enjoyed helping us.
Making sure the lights work
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