Who We Are
We are a group of women who met at BabyCenter.com and went through
our pregnancies together and now are raising our children with the help of each other.

We post everyday issues and/or problems, questions about how we prefer to do things,
post pictures, and basically just be friends to each other and support each other..
Message Board

You can find the October 2004 babies message board
How to use Glowfoto to post pictures on the message board:

Create a blank thread or reply to an existing post and then open a new window and go to

Under "Upload your image"  click

Choose your picture.



Scroll down to the

Right-click and choose

Go to your babycenter post and right click in the text box and choose

Look for the number in the code next to the word "width" and change it to 300.
PREVIEW your post, and if the picture is too large or too small, EDIT your post and change the number accordingly, by 50-100.
Click here to see the official list of all 781 babies from our board.
(It's an Adobe .pdf file.)
here to see a breakdown of babies born by date.
(Also a .pdf)
October Babies' Personal Websites, Photo Pages and Videos
Click the footprints to email me submissions for the website.
You are visitor number:
blinkie created by Kim (KentuckyMom2Girls)
View our Calendar.
(Yahoo members, email me your Yahoo ID and
I'll add you to the list so you can add events of your own.)
Check out our Interactive Map.
See who lives near you! Just click the state and you'll see a list of people in your area. It's a work in progress, so if you're not on there, email me and I'll add you. Also email me if you'd like me to enable your name so people can contact you via email.
Windows Movie Maker Instructions!!!
A lot of the women have been making slideshows and movies to share. Click
here to see how to use Windows Movie Maker
to make one of your very own!
Wanna help a fellow October 04 Mommy out?
We have lots of Mommies in business for themselves who are looking for customers like you. Check out our
Watch the October 2004 Babies
First Birthday Slideshow and the Themed slideshow.
Adobe PhotoShop Lessons

We had a weekly thread where Jodie taught us how to use PhotoShop. I compiled all the lessons into an Adobe Document. you can get it

Sorry if the links don't work. The document is from 2005 and hasn't been updated.
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