
::n e w s::

yeah, i know its been awhile since the last
update but we've all been pretty busy. ally
lost the use of her drums because the guy that
she was borrowing from reclaimed them. ironically
that was friday the 13th, day before valentines
day. since then, i bought a new amp and guitar,
and we have all been writing new material. school
and work is taking its toll but by the end of
this month we should be able to play together.
tomm and i might record some acoustic songs to
post on the web or something, but as far as
"real" live recordings with all three of us,
we're still saving money to buy new recording
gear(because we sold our old stuff that wasn't
working out well)and then we'll be able to make
demo material.in a month or so we'll have
something slightly more concrete and will be
definately on our way. for now, just keep your
ass in the pants.

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::m e d i a::

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the past two days

::l i n k s::
grand fanali



pictora pilota


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^  v


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