Dog Tricks, Training & Tips
There are many methods to training a dog, whichever method you choose for your dog should go by his personality. Like people, dogs learn in their own way,, so make sure to take time with your dog and always go into training with lots of patience and love. Also try to practice tricks on a daily basis.

There are also many tricks to train your dog, and with the proper training you'll have a well trained dog in no time, and perhaps a well trained human as well. Training your dog is something that not only benefits the dog, but benefits both of you, but always remember to end your training session on a happy note!
Obedience Tricks
Fun Tricks
Dogs are like people in many ways, and when it comes to training a dog, it is good to look at it from their point of veiw as well as yours.
There are many different methods to train dogs, and not all dogs will respond to the same method, like people, each dog is different, and will learn at their own pace. Training a dog takes alot of patience, love, and trust, in order to get the full benfits, and with the proper guidence and practice, you can train your dog to do almost anything! Remember, there is no end to what a dog can learn, it's always good to try new things, and there is no end to what you and your compaion can teach each other.

The method I perfer to use when traning, is 'Reward Training', this is a soft method of training, that is also very easy, like people, dogs need motivation, without anything to get him motivated, he would perfer to just snooze on his favourite couch. So that's where Reward Training comes in handy. Anyone should know that dogs will practically do anything for food, toys or even just a little bit of your attention, so this is where you must begin.
If you're using a treats, you will likely have your dogs full attention, and the great thing with this is that it gives you a lure when you need her to learn or perform certain tricks. But, however many people don't like to have to rely on treats for there dogs cooperation, and may want to use a toy or some lovin' from you.
I use both, switching from treats to some one on one attention and sometimes I will use toys.
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Dog Sports
Fun Activities
      There is no end to what a dog can learn,
                     But most importantly,
There is no end to what you can teach each other!
It is best to start training you dog when she is young, and you should always start with obedence training, then, you will have your dogs full attention and she will know her place in the pack. Once she has learned all the obedience training, you can now ove on to tricks that will be fun for both her and you. After this there really is no end to what you can teach her, you may want to move on to some dog sporting activities or maybe you may have something else in mind. Whatever the case, always be kind with your dog, show her love and affection, and always let her know she can trust you. When you have your dog's full love and trust, she will be your best friend forever.
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