July 18-  So today we made it safe and sound here to Nana's!  But I would first like to start with the end of yesterday!  We went back to see the night Shamu show called Shamu Rocks.  And I told you all yesterday how I was disappointed with the Believe show, but this Shamu Rocks show really did ROCK!  I had a great time jamming out the music.  There were these kids that ended up on the jumbo tron and this one kid started taking off his shirt and it was hilarious!  And we got soaked!  I would so recommend that to you all to check out if you ever do go to SeaWorld.

Alright, so now onto today.  We woke up a little before 7 to say good bye to Ms. Aunt Jenny.  And then we got ready to leave and left the area around 9.  And I drove to West Palm Beach.  We were making a stop there to check out the number 10 bathroom on the Travel Channels Top 10 World's Best bathrooms!  I was disappointed however because it was closed!  How sad.  I was so excited until that point! Oh well.  And then we finished our journey and Megan drove about an hour more to Nana's.  And we talked with her and it was good to see her again.  We went to lunch at Applebee's and then we came back to the house and watched Oprah!  How exciting I know!  And then we swam in the pool and let me tell you it's hard work, I don't know how Shamu does it!  Well I'm off so I will talk to you all later.  Peace out!

July 19-  Well hello there!  How goes it?  I am well thank you for asking!  So today is Thursday but it sort of feels like Friday, and I don't know why.  Anyhow, today I took Megan to Hollywood Beach in Hollywood, Florida.  First off that is my favorite beach to go to in Florida, basically beacuse that's the only one we go to!  Makes sense yeah?  I think so.  Well we got there and walked around and looked at the shops and what not, and then we walked back and played in the water and build a valley fort.  It was fun.  Earlier in the day after we had left Nana's we realized my memory card was in my camera and we wanted to do out video updates from there so instead of wasting gas going back to the house we went to Best Buy after trying Walgreens, which I am going to ask you all to ban and go to CVS instead because Walgreens people are mean!  And then yeah!  So we got the card and went to the beach again and did our updates and went to lunch!  I had a combo number 5, and in case you are wondering that is tacos, with rice and beans and a pop or beer, and I had water.  Fun fun fun!  In the sun sun sun!  Then we hung out in the water for a little longer and then we headed back here.  So now I am going to go eat dinner with Megan and we will talk to you tomorrow!  How exciting!

July 20- Well well well!  We had quite a busy day today!  We did a lot.  Last night we actually stayed up a little past 1:30 in the morning talking with my cousin Blake.  That was fun.  It was good to see him again.  I havn't seen him in a long time.  Then we went to bed and then we woke up!  At least I hope we did!  Wait, we did because I am sitting here writing to you.  That was close!  Whew!  So we went to South Beach today and it was a very hot day to be outside.   But we walked around and looked in a few shops and looked around the area.  We actually went to this museum eventually to get cooled off.  They had the most random things on display but it was really cool.  It was called the Wolfsonian Museum.  Check it out if you ever come here!  It was only about 5 bucks for each of us.  After that we went to Calle Ocho in the Little Havana district of Miami.  And I was semi disappointed by it because there wasn't a whole lot there to do or see but we ate at this side-walk type bar thing.  They had a few of them on the street.  However you must know that in the entire area of Little Havana, besides McDonalds everyone only speaks Spanish!  So there can be a little language block.  Luckily I used some of what I knew with some phrases I asked my good friend, Juan about how to say. I asked what the lady there recommended.  She said something, and I had no idea of what she said and I said OK!  And then she asked me a bunch more stuff and I had no idea.  We ended up getting this steak type thing, which was so good it had so much flavor to it.  And it also came with rice and beans and they were delicious as well.  It also had a tortilla.  It was really good.  And the lady had this daughter who cracked me up and she was laughing at us because we didn't know spanish.  I know she was 4 years old because I asked her that but that's all I could really ask her!  HAHA!  After our really great lunch we headed to Key Biscane which is an island off Miami and we went to this State Park!  It was really cool.  They had a lighthouse, and trails and beaches.  It was actually really neat.  And then after that we stopped at the edge of the island to get a great view of the skyline of Miami.  It was really neat. Then it was already time for dinner after we got lost. It was very frustrating for me!  But after awhile we found our way and ended up at CPK (California Pizza Kitchen for those of you that can't figure it out, Megan)  It was alright, my pizza was a little dry.  After dinner we went to Target to do some shopping for Christmas in July.  I got Megan.....wait I can't tell you because she might read this!  Opps, that was a close one!  Well that was our day today, so I will catch you all later!

July 23- Hey everyone!  Sorry we havn't written in a few days.  Not a whole lot has happened since.  Our last full day at Nana's stormed for a few hours in the late afternoon and we just kind of hung out and what not.  Then yesterday we went out to breakfast with Nana and Blake to Crackel Barrel and drove here to Key West.  It was a really cool drive.  Last night we judt kind of walked around and people watched.  Then today we went to the southern most point of the continental United States.  Then we headed to this cool Lighthouse museum and lighthouse.  It had a great view.  Across the street we went to Ernest Hemingway's House.  It was really neat to see cats with 6 toes. Then we looked through all the shops and what not and then walked back to our hotel, which I love by the way.  I think me and Megan are ready for a little "Kyle time" & "Megan time" just by ourselves.  So we'll see what happens.  Well I'm out for now!  Have a great day!
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