July 16-  Sorry I have not gotten to you guys.  Yesterday we just hung out at Aunt Jenny's house, we helped mow the lawn and went to the grocery store.  And then a big storm came.  So big that it lasted 2 hours.  And that was yesterday. 
Today we went to Kennedy Space Center.  Where we went on a really long tour, a lot longer than I thought it would be.  It was really good and I would recommend it to anyone.  And we got to learn a lot about the NASA program.  I didn't know how many people it took to put a shuttle in space.  We did not get to go in the ISS building because there was some kind of fire inside of it.  So then we went souvenier shopping.  And we saw a kid video about Mars.  And now we are at "Krappy" Krystals.  The only good thing about this place is the free internet access.  There are flies all over my straw!  I want to get out of here.  Well, cuz I want to leave so bad, I will talk to you tomorrow.
July 17- Today, we went to Sea World.   We saw 3 shows!  They were all really good.  The first show we saw was Believe which is a Shamu show.  They had a baby shamu and it was really cute.  I really liked the message of the show.  Ths second show we saw was a dolphin show with birds!  I don't remember the name of it but it was really good.  The third show we saw was Pets Ahoy!  It was really cool beacuse a whole bunch of little pets, like dogs, cats and even a pig were doing all kinds of really cool tricks.  I want to teach my four dogs some of those tricks.  So we will have to see how that all goes.  After that, it was time for Dining with Shamu which was really really cool!  me and Kyle asked the trainer what happens to the animals during a hurricane and the trainer said they keep the animals where they are because it is the safest spot for them.  It is good to know they are safe.  I think so far out of everything Dining with Shamu was the best.  I would recommend it to anyone.  Well we have to get back to SeaWorld, so we'll talk to you later.
July 18- Well today we had a really easy day!  But before I tell you about today, lets talk about last night!  We saw Shamu Rocks!  Let me tell you Shamu did ROCK!  It was a night show and they had a lot of rock and roll music.  We got drenched.  Shamu came up and spashed right by us, it was as if we jumped into the ocean.  I had a lot of fun watching the trainers dance and train Shamu!  I hope everyone gets an oppurtunity to go see it.  OK moving on to today!  Today we drove to Pembroke Pines.  We left Aunt Jenny's around 9 and got here at 1.  It was not a bad drive, we had a lot of fun!  Then when we got here, we went out to lunch to Applebee's with Ellen, Kyle's Nana.  It was  great to see her again.  Then she had to go to work, so me and Kyle jumped into the pool and acted like Shamu and made big splashes.  So now we are going to eat dinner and tomorrow we are planning on going to the beach if the weather coroporates!  Ta-ta for now! 
July 19- Hi everyone!  Today, we went to Hollywood Beach!  We took the boogy boards and sat out in the sun and played in the water and had a whole bunch of fun!  We also walked up and down both ways and looked at the shops, looked at souveniers.  Then we had lunch at a mexican restuant.  I don't remember the name of it.  The food was alright but the waitress forgot about us a lot.  Did you know... That Hollywood Beach was in a movie?  The movie was 'From Justin To Kelly'  It was actaully a musical.  I think it was the first movie Kyle and I went to go see.  Well anyways in the movie, they walked by the stage, that's at Hollywood.  Kyle loves that stage a lot.  That's what symbols Hollywood Beach, that stage.  Well I think that's all I have for today.  I'll talk to you tomorrow.  See ya later!
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