July 20- Hi everyone!  I'm Megan Vreeland, just in case you didn't know my name!  Well, today me and Kyle went out into the city.  The city is more a place for Kyle.  I go because I love Kyle and I try not to complain to terribly much and I don't think I did today so much.  Our first stop for the day was South Beach.  Which is not part of the city but it kinda is.  We walked up and down the streets and we walked on the beach a little.  We saw a girl topless.  They have different life guards station but they all looked different.  None of them were the same.  South Beach looked like it would be a very fun place to sit and people watch.  After South Beach we went to Little Havana, where they only speak Spanish.  So Kyle did all the talking and I sat there looking pretty.  We had lunch at a little hole in the wall where you sat outside like a bar.  Kyle asked her in spanish "what do you recommend?"  So she said something in spanish and we have no idea what we ate.  It was some kind of steak or beef which Kyle liked a lot.  I thought it was better than other steak I had, if it was steak.  It also had beans and rice a little bit of salad and that's the stuff I kinda ate and it was really good.  So then we left Little Havana because our time was up on our meter.  So then we were deciding what to do and Kyle's Nana called and said "Don't go on the freeway for a while because it is all backed up."  So we had to figure out what to do so we wouldn't get into trouble because we are such law breakers!  So we decided to go over to an island called Key Biscane.  Where at the very end of the island there is a state park.  It was 5 bucks to get in.  We knew there was a light house so we knew our money would not be wasted!  When we got out of the car there was an iguana climbing on a tree, birds all over the place and a squirel eating a plastic bag.  I told it not to eat it.  Then we went to go find the light house.  And we finally found the way to get in but they just closed so we missed it.  But that's ok because we still had a fun time being at the island.  By the time we got off the island it was about 6:30 and it had been a couple of hours.  So we decided to go back to Nana's area and eat some food.  We got CPK and it was very good.  And because we were at the mall we went to the Disney store.  Then after that we went to Target to get stocking stuffers for Christmas in July.  Now we are sitting here typing this and I think we are both getting tiered.  So I will talk to you later. 

July 23- Hi everyone, sorry that I haven't talk to you in 3 days. We just have been so busy that it has been had to write. Well, we are now in Key West! We got here yesterday. We grabed dinner and went back to are hotel. Then today we went got up and had some continental breackfast then we started are day by walking to the farthest placd south in America. Then from there we walked to a lighthouse that you have to climb 88 steps to get to the top it wasn't to bad but it is a really hot day today. Then from there we when to Ernest Hemingway house that was really intertesting. Then we walked down the main street and then back to the hotel and now we are eating lunch. Well ,I think we are going to go get some souveners so i will talk to you soon.bye bye

July 24- Well, today I will finish off where I left yesterday. Well last night we were going to see the sunset, but we got side tracked by a really cool souviener shop. So by the time we got to the sunset a ray of sun was just geting ready to set we think.  But we really didn't see anything because a big storm cloud was in the way but we still had a really fun time seeing all the sreet performers. So that was yesterday.  Today we left Key West sort of early and we were on are way to Naples. On our way we went through the everglades. We stopped at this place called Shark Valley.  So we did that.  There is the place about half way, where there is an observation tower. You could look so far out it was so cool. When we were up there we saw that a storm was roling in and when we were heading back it started to rain. so we jumped on are bike and tried to go as fast as we could. We were doing really good and then a big lightnig bolt touched down about 3 miles away so we decided to go back to the tower and let it pass. Kyle called the front to see what they thought we should do and they said to just wait it out, so we did the a whole hour went by and the storm was still really scary. So Kyle called again and they said a tour tram was coming around and just to grab that back. So that is what we did. It was scary and cool at the same time. And we saw 3 alligators on are way back. So after 3 or 4 hours later, we were back on the road to Naples.  It took about a hour and a half to get here. When we got in we asked where the nearest movie theater was and they gave us directions so we went and saw the movie "Hairspray" if you haven't seen it you should. If you want someone to go with I will go with you. Well it is late so im going to go to bed. NIGHT NIGHT

July 27- Hi everyone.  Sorry we havn't been able to write to you.  Well last time I left off was the 24 and on the 25 we had Christmas in July.  I got a whole bunch of cool stuff from Kyle & Mom & Santa.  I was really excited when I got Shamu whale fin necklace, just like Kyle's.  And from my mom I got a really cool safe that is water and fire proof, so that will be cool to pack things and put them in there.  So that was Chrstmas in July.  We also went to the beach which was a lot of fun. On the 26 we were on our way to Kyle's Aunt's house.  On the way we stopped in Tampa, because she lives an hour outside of Tampa.  It was my first time to meet Kyle's Aunt Bobbi Sue and I was really nervous like I am when I meet someone new.  Then when we got there, and I met here my nerves went away and she was really nice and I'm glad I had the chance to meet her.  A big thanks to Bobbi Sue for letting us stay at her house.  And I have to tell you about her crazy cat.  The cat's name is Tiki.  And this cat is half wild and half domestic.  The cat knows how to fetch and she will bring the ball back to you, which is really really cool.  He also knows how to do a whole lot of other things that Bobbi Sue told us about but Tiki did not what to show off for us.  So then today we woke up and Bobbi Sue went to get us McDonalds.  Thank you very much for the McDonalds.  It was really yummy and then Bobbi Sue needed to get ready for work and we thought it was a good time that we needed to leave too.  And then we got in the car and we off to Aunt Jenny's house but first we were going to stop at the Historic Bok Sanctuary.  It was really cool to be there although we didn't get to see any birds, but the gardens and tower were really pretty.  And then 20 room mansion was really pretty and neat.  Then we were off to Aunt Jenny's house but we stopped for lunch.  Then we had to stop at CVS to print some pictures and our last stop is not Aunt Jenny's, but Starbucks where we get free internet and we will get back to Aunt Jenny's now because we are leaving.  Well I will talk to you whenever we get the internet again.  Have a great day.  Tata for now!
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