July 29- Well once again lets start off with yesterday.  Yesterday we got up somewhat early and got ready to ride the horses.  I rode Didi, Kyle rode Apache, and Aunt Jenny rode Sonny.  Didi, the new horse has become mine already because I helped Aunt Jenny remind her the comands. So yesterday was the first day on the trails.  She did really good for going on her first time on the trail, the only thing was that she wanted to bite the other horses in the butt.  I think she just wanted to be in the front.  I had a lot of fun.  The only thing that was  scary was Sonny tied to buck off Aunt Jenny off.  So that was our horse back riding, but for Chuck and John just to let you know Didi is now my horse, so John can have Apache and Chuck can have Sonny now.  After horse back riding we jumped in the pool for a little bit then watched a movie, and then it was time to take Hiedi and Alex out to dinner.  It was a lot of fun and it was good to see Hiedi and Alex, it was the first time I saw Alex this trip.  Then today we woke up and went to Saint Augustine.  The first stop was the fort.  Where there was not much to do but it was still kind of interesting.  After that we decided to get tickets to the red train which took 45 minutes to pick us up, we were not very happy about that.  Then we got off the train at the Fountain of Youth which was $7 each to get into.  It was not that exciting.  I wouldn't have wasted the $7.  So then we took the train back to downtown to Saint Augustine.  It's nice and quiet.  There are a lot of shops to walk into.  Then we found a place to eat.  We ate at A1A, where our waitress name was Sam.  Sam was very nice.  We enjoyed her, she made us laugh.  She gave us free ice cream which was really cool.  And Kyle liked her so much that he gave her a $10 tip and the bill was only $15.  So if you ever go there you have to ask for Sam.  Well that's all for today.  We our on our way back to Aunt Jenny's.  Talk to you later.

August 2-  Well since it has been such a long time, I'm just going to give you the highlights ok? On July 30 Kyle and I just hung around aunt Jenny's house and did are packing that we had to do.  Then on the 31st we got up really early because we had to be at the airport at 6:00 am. to get on our plane to go to DC the from DC we went to Atlanta to see Vicki. Vicki is really funny. I have had a blast the past 2 days . Then on the 1st we went to Stone Mountain and that was really nice. We had a lot of fun. Then today we went to the New World of Coca Cola and that was really neat then from there we went to CNN where Kyle did a broadcast . He did a really good job and I was on the cover of People magizine. So that was cool then it was time for our tour. There were 8 floors, the 1 and a half that we saw, was really cool but the we got kicked out. If you would like to know what happened e-mail or call us but I will tell you that we didn't do anything wrong and I really mean it!!!!!!!! Welll I'll talk to you later bye bye!

August 5- Well once again it's been awhile.  I'll give you the reader's digest of the past few days.  Me and Kyle got up on August 3 and Vicki had some good news for us.  Jason, the manager of the tours at CNN had called Vicki earlier that morning and heard her side of the story and Hannah, the tour guide that kicked us out, sort of, went to Jason after the tour ended and said that she made a bad judgment.  So because of this, we got to go to a private tour with Jason.  It was really really cool.  The best part was being in the same area as where they were filming.  We could see where the normal tour would have taken us, but we were actually in the room.  So that was really neat.  It was also cool that Chuck Roberts of CNN Headline News waved to us.  HEHEHE.  Then yesterday we got up early so Randy could take us to the train station.  Our train was delayed by and hour.  But the hour went by quick.  Then we got on the train and after about 2 or 3 hours Kyle and I got pretty bored.  We had to keep on stopping for the frieght trains that would go by.  We got in 3 hours late to New Orleans.  But the last three hours we had the most fun.  Then we grabbed a taxi and we were off to our hotel.  Then today we did a lot of stuff.  We went to the Lower Ninth Ward, which was really really sad.  Looking at all the things that happened to them makes me very greatful for what I have and everyone that is in my life.  Then from there we went and got food.  Then we came back to the hotel to get some research and then we hit the streets again.  We went down to the Mississippi and that was really cool to see because I can say I have been there twice now.  After the river we went to the oldest church in North America and the really cool thing about that is, there is a statue of Jesus in front of the church and during Hurricane Katrina, 2 of Jesus' fingers fell off and the locals say that's when the hurricane went north because it looked like Jesus was pointing the storm that way.  Then we walked down the main street and walked back to our hotel and got ready for Emril's, where first we had BBQ shrimp which was really good.  Then I had shrimp pasta and Kyle had pork chops.  Then for desert we had some type of chocalate cake.  It took 30 minutes to prepare, but it was good.  And now I'm here and I'm going to say good bye by saying BAM!

August 9- So we got up and got ready to leave New Orleans and we got a taxi surpisingly that took us to the train station.  We checked in, and because we were in a sleeper car we were VIP and got to wait in a private room rather than the main lobby like the normal people.  Then we got to our train and got in number 7 which was our sleeper.  It was a lot of fun and really comfortable.  If you want to take a train, I suggest you do it that way!  And the really anything you have to worry about is tips because your ticket prices includes meals.  So now it gets to the sappy stuff.  It was really sad we had to end our trip, but I think we were both ready to sleep in our own beds.  I enjoyed going on this trip with Kyle, just as much I enjoy going on other trips with Kyle.  We really had a lot of fun together, and as we tell everyone, we got a lot closer this trip.  And you all are probally "how can you two get closer?"  And It was possible.  I enjoy our relationship more because we are closer.  The thing I liked the most was....there are too many things, I can't pick one, like dinish with Shamu, going to the beach, meeting Kyle's family, going horseback riding.  I do'nt know what next year will bring but I'm so excited to be going on a cruise.  I'm not sure if next year can  be out next year because we had such a great time.  So from a 1-10 rating, our trip was a 1000.  I'm going to say good bye, but not forever, just until next year.  So we'll see you in the ocean! 
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