Kyle & Megan's Wish Upon
On Star List
It's getting down to the wire!  If you would like to help out and recieve a special gift for helping, e-mail us today!
Here is a list of items that Kyle and Megan would be oh so grateful to have on thier fine journey of 2006.  It's no big deal if you can't support, it is just a wish list and Kyle and Megan are already grateful for what they have avaliable to them!
1. Money-any size will do
2. Bathroom items (i.e. toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner,  etc.)
3. Travel tips
4. Battery's (AA)
5. Entertainment for airplane rides
6. Prayers
7. And anything else you think two young and very good looking adults will need on this trip!
There are several ways to donate to Kyle & Megan!  You can e-mail us for more information on how to get your donation to us at [email protected]. And when you make a donation you will recieve a personalized letter and present fom Kyle & Megan!
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