United States flag: Love it or fuck off!Flag of Italy: We respect our Motherland.

Los Angeles, California

    Welcome to Los Angeles where anything can happen!  Hang on, stick with us and see what we can accomplish in the coming years.  Many new opportunities are awaiting you and with the political climate the way it is, things can change quickly so you'd better be smart, stay alert and get ready to move.   Right now we are recruiting for different positions so make sure to take a look at our Job Board and if you see something up your alley then apply.  Remember though, be professional.  Our Thing is a business so treat it with the proper respect and fill out everything, show your intelligence and let us know who you are and what you can do.  For others who don't want a career with us, you can still be a part of our family.  As an organization we support our families and communities to the fullest,  more so than any corporation out there.  In times of need, sorrow or desperation Our Thing has always been there to help.  Whether it be for security purposes, getting child support from a deadbeat parent or the occasional loan to enrich your life we can help.  Need some extra insurance, practical counseling, help with your present career or regaining your possessions?  We will be there for you.  Our Thing has been here since the beginning of this fine country and we'll continue to maintain our strength through unity for as long as time persists.  Click on one of the links below or visit the M2000 message board and leave your two cents worth. Your host and local Boss is Johnny T. Email him by using the questions or comments link below
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