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Welcome to Fly Away, the official fanlisting for the doujinshi circle Oushou Chikubai also known as the doujin-ka Mitona. The fanlisting is run by fujiwara & Chelsea. Please note that this website might be best viewed in Mozilla Firefox on a 1024 x 768 (or larger) screen resolution.

updates: [2008.02.24] rules revised.

[2007.12.04] 7 members added!

[2007.12.01] fanlisting is open and running!

last updated: 2008.02.28

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What is a fanlisting?

A fanlisting is where a person gives their name, country of origin, and e-mail to be added to a list- where of course it is added, showing that that person is a fan of whatever fanlisting they applied to. I'm pretty sure this is is not your first time seeing one. fanlistings are friggin' every where. :3

Who is oushou chikubai?

Oushou chikubai is one of the hottest and most popular doujinshi circles for the Sasuke x Sakura pairing of the anime/manga series Naruto. With beautiful art and stories ranging from serious to cutesy gag in genre, it's no wonder her doujinshi is very popular amongst SasuSaku fans (or even just doujin collectors!) since her works are much desired, old works are hard to acquire almost as much as more recent ones.

The circle has been making doujinshi since up to year 2000 to my knowledge, and has only made doujinshi for the Naruto series of the Sasuke x Sakura pairing, the circle has also written "novels" (fanfic) as well for the mentioned pairing. Both doujinshi and novels have been included in anthologies. The doujin-ka is known as Mitona.

Doujinshi is?

Doujinshi is a fan made comic PUBLISHED into book format. if it's only online it is not doujinshi. If you don't know what doujinshi is prior to coming here you have no business joining.

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please contact one of the fl-mods through e-mail or other such like to inquiry about wanting to be an affiliate! :D

disclaimer: all works belong to Oushou Chikubai, no profit was made from the creation of this fanlisting. This fanlisting only exists to express our love for Mitona's doujinshi. Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto and not us. Please do not steal the layout or the images and claim them as your own.
[created; 2007.09]
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