Ten Years Gone...
...The Led Zeppelin Adventures of Andy Lee and Michael Tully
NEXT STORY: A Toast to Robert...With Robert
Six Degrees of Separation
July 9, 2005

How many times can you bump into Robert Plant and walk away empty handed � no autographs, no photos? A lot. Six to be exact.  We found that there are other things to do though while waiting to meet Robert though. Like saving damsels in distress from a robbery for instance.  Either way, our 41st show provided us with a backdrop for an unforgettable 24 hours in the Windy City�Oh, and the following day in Denver, I made out pretty good.

A quick 24-hour trip to Chicago to catch Robert at the Auditorium Theatre over the weekend presented us with several near misses and left us empty-handed for the first time since I can remember.  But that�s not to say our excursion wasn�t interesting.  After Mike spoiled a would-be thief�s post-concert purse snatching with his lightning-fast reflexes, I finally had enough material for a journal entry.  Thankfully something eventful happened after a day that saw us within a foot of Robert six times � each of which resulted in a massive goose egg in terms of autographs and photos.  A hurried schedule, an anal security guard on a power trip, and overly watchful hotel staff kept us on our toes this time and succeeded in shutting us out.

Sometimes however, the �what could have been� is as entertaining as the many successes we�ve had.

So that said, here�s the story of our 41st Led-Zeppelin-related concert, Robert Plant in Chicago, July 9, 2005.

After a 3:00am wake-up call, 90 minute drive up to Denver and a two-hour flight, I rendezvoused with Mike at the subway station in the windy city where we hoofed it over to the not-so-lovely Hotel Cass.  Like they say, �location is everything.� A dingy hotel in the heart of the �Magnificent Mile/Water Tower District was the sort of dive crusty backpackers and Euro-trash frequent, but at $89/night for a slightly smelly double room in the city center in the middle of summer, it was not to be passed up.  Geographically, it was only four blocks from the Park Hyatt where Robert and crew were staying.  And since I didn�t want to sell my kidney to foot the $455/night price tag that came with the posh establishment, we opted for the 113th best thing.
After checking in, our first order of business was to get a couple more prints of our ten-year-old photo with Robert in Boston circa 1995 for autograph purposes, and since I had to do a live interview with ESPN radio later that morning, the plan was to return to our hotel to do the interview before heading back to the Park Hyatt�

A delay in finding a place to process photos in an hour left me pressed for time, and after we finally found a lab that could do so � across the street from the Park Hyatt � I had to duck into Robert�s hotel for a quiet place to do the interview.  While waiting 15 minutes or so for the call, I sent Mike to pick up the photos and back to the Hotel Cass for our cameras, and autograph memorabilia.

Near Misses #�s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
While waiting for Mike to return, I stepped outside only to see Robert walk around the corner � gym bag slung over his shoulder � and across the street. I started to follow and called Mike to tell him where to go, but suddenly, Robert turned around and headed back inside the hotel.  I figured he just forgot something on his way out.  It turns out, he was actually on his way back from somewhere and mistakenly walked past his hotel.

I didn�t approach him since I didn�t have anything for him to sign at the moment, and figured we�d see him again shortly.  Once Mike arrived, we patiently waited.  One of the things we each wanted to get this trip was the
Mighty Rearranger album cover signed by each of the six band members, so when Clive Deamer left the hotel, we stopped him and got signature #1.

Shortly afterwards, Skin made his way outside.  We talked to him briefly and congratulated him on his new baby (signature #2). Just then a Cadillac Escalade pulled up and out came Justin Adams.  While I was talking to Justin (signature #3), Robert emerged and quickly got into the Cadillac � obviously in a rush � where the trio headed to a local radio station for an in-studio interview and performance of
All the King�s Horses.
We got the Strange Sensation to pen our album covers in Chicago...
...and added Robert's a day later in Boulder
Immediately, we figured we�d just head over to the radio station and catch them after their interview, but we hadn�t a clue as to what radio station they were going to be on, or where.  So the next logical step was to go across the street to Walgreen�s and purchase a couple of $6.99 AM/FM pen radios and listen for the interview. 

We settled into the little park where the Water Tower was amongst the indigent riff-raff and the just plain challenged people.  But since the reception on our radios was similar to that of joining two plastic cups together with a piece of string and calling that a phone, we quickly abandoned that plan and decided to go find some hot dogs for lunch.

An hour or so later, we returned to the Park Hyatt where we encountered Billy Fuller as he came in from shopping at a local record store (signature #4).

Soon afterwards, Billy, Clive and John Baggot appeared as they got ready to head out to their soundcheck.  I approached John and got signature #5.  All that remained was the ever-important number six.

Those three dudes hopped in the Escalade and went to the Auditorium Theater.

15 minutes later, Robert emerged from the elevator, obviously in a hurry.  We approached him and asked if he had a minute for an autograph. �Not now, I�m in a rush.� He simply said as he got into a waiting Volvo and sped away.  Denied for the third time.

As the little hand approached the eight, it was obvious he was out until after the show, so we made our way to the theatre and settled in for yet another gig.

Fast forward two hours�we�re back at the Park Hyatt on the street corner at 11:00pm on a Saturday night waiting for a black Escalade and white Volvo to make the left hand turn from Michigan Ave. onto Chicago Ave.  After wearing out our welcome inside referenced by countless stink eyes from the hotel staff and even an inquiry as to why we were sitting in the lobby, we opted for the safe route � out of sight, out of mind.

Stop, Thief!
While standing on the corner, I was facing East. Mike was looking West.  A limo pulled up and out came three blonde women � nicely dressed � from a wedding reception.  As the girls stood there, a big black dude ripped a purse out of one of their hands and ran past us.  Mike sprinted after the perpetrator as cries of  �Hey stop that guy!� rung out.  Meanwhile, I stood there, pussy-like, as the chase was on. 

I actually chased a guy down with my car in a shopping mall parking lot after he shoplifted some jeans, and would normally have given chase, but with the remnants of a herniated disc in my back still haunting me I opted for less time in the hospital and stayed put. 

Meanwhile, a couple others joined the chase and Mike managed to become enough of a threat to cause the guy to ditch the purse after a few blocks.  The thief got away, but the purse and its contents were returned safely to its rightful owner.

Sweating and out of breath, Mike returned triumphantly as the girls hailed him their hero and invited us up for drinks.  We respectfully declined as we needed to continue our original mission.

With hotel staff also witnessing the action, we were able to wait inside the hotel unfettered until Robert returned.

30 minutes or so later, the Escalade appeared and Robert entered the hotel.  As we approached him, we were met with resistance from the meathead-ish security guard attached to Robert�s arm who simply said, �not in the hotel guys."
We did however hear Robert tell Skin to meet him in the 7th floor bar in two minutes.  So we were off to the NoMI Restaurant and Bar seven floors up. 

There we ran into the women from the purse-snatching incident and sat with them. Robert and his entourage entered 15 minutes later and headed back to a private room guarded by more security. 

As we waited for Robert�s imminent departure, we shared some enlightening conversation with our new friends. Originally from L.A. the half-flesh, half plastic beings managed to inject the word �hero� into every sentence they uttered.  After a while, I was mentally searching for the nearest samurai sword so that I could commit Hari Kari, mostly because I was embarrassed about standing there, vaginally, with a thumb up my ass as Mike saved the day. 

Then, when one of the girls said, �I can�t believe it, I�ve lived in Chicago for almost two years and I�ve never seen that guy before.� In reference to the purse-snatcher, I figured the conversation wasn�t going to get much more intelligent.  Again, we were invited to the next bar with them, but declined, maintaining focus on our original objective.

Then as 2:00am approached Robert�s party began to disperse so we headed out to catch him as he exited the bar, only to be met with the same rent-a-cop.  �I said, not in the hotel guys.� 

Into the elevator they went, and our night was over.  We left empty-handed after loads of opportunity.  But with all the luck we�ve had over the years, I could only walk away thinking, �you win some, you lose some.� Simple as that.

The next morning, Mike left early to catch a plane back to his new home in Lincoln, NE as I waited around for a later flight back to Denver.  With nothing better to do, I took my obsessive self back to the Park Hyatt for one last chance.

Robert added his names to Physical Grafitti...
...and Led Zeppelin III on a street corner in Denver
After two hours of waiting and pretending I was reading the paper in the lobby while a security guard stood three feet from me, the band began to emerge and load up for their trip to Minneapolis for that night�s gig.  When Robert appeared, he was met by an older couple who he obviously knew given his reception of them.  I politely and patiently waited until the conversation was over and when Robert started towards the door I arose with the intent of catching him just outside the door.  Unfortunately for me though, time was of the essence and Robert immediately scurried into the waiting Escalade and drove off.  Denied for the sixth time in 24 hours.

Persistence Has Its Rewards
Returning home, tail between my legs I vowed for a bit more luck in the following days back home in Boulder, Colo..  That luck came almost immediately.

Opting not to stay in Minneapolis the night of their show, Robert arrived Boulder, Colo. on Sunday night and I had a pretty good idea where to look come Monday afternoon.

A little wisdom, a little luck and a boatload of persistence put me on a certain street corner at 4:00 in the afternoon.  After less than five minutes of waiting, Robert appeared alone from around the corner, a couple of shopping bags in hand, and began to walk towards me.  I said hello and asked him if he had a minute or two to sign some items.  He obliged and signed my Shine it All Around cover (signature #6, finally) and Mike�s Mighty Rearranger cover (also signature #6).  He also signed the cover of Led Zeppelin III and Physical Graffiti, thus completing my collection of the nine Led Zeppelin studio album covers that now bear the signature of both Robert and John Paul Jones.

Our journey continues July 12 in Denver and then in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara in a couple of weeks with a few more gigs and a taping of the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.