Year of the Outback

This site has been developed to celebrate the Year of the Outback - 2002.

Australia owes much to the people who have been prepared to accept the challenges that the outback presents. They have developed the primary industries that were the backbone of the Australian economy for many years. They have provided the essence of the Australian psyche. They have battled the elements in one of the harshest environments on earth. We city people salute you.

Where is it?

There is no clear definition of where the "outback" begins and ends. Suffice to say that if you are west of the great Dividing Range western slopes then you are probably almost there. Apart from the south western corner, pretty well all of Western Australia is "outback".

What is it like?

While there is a wide variety of landforms and vegetation in the outback, it is generally flat, dry and hot! The soil is mostly red and the mountains "not very high" but strikingly beautiful none-the-less. Most of the roads go for hundreds of miles with few curves and with little more than the odd undulation. Unless it is one of the few major highways, it is unlikely to be sealed. Driving in an un-air-conditioned car is unwise if you like your city comforts.

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A Tribute to Steve Irwin

Outback Scenes

The Explorers

Art of the Outback

Outback Poetry


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