Because of nagging this page is completely devoted to that god, Extreme Newey. He will probably be on the video, he is learning quite quick so we'll get him on there some how!!

O.K. so this is what he asked me to put up here about him...

His strongest point is learning stuff really quick, he learnt to ollie virtually straight away, he's learning guitar really quick and he learnt the art of being extreme faster than anyone I know. His favourite trick is the pop-shuv it, he likes the following bands.
Kilkus (who are they)
The misfits link to the site
Rage Against The Machine (I'm not saying anything)
Blink 182
His favourite band is korn!
That's all for now, I've got a picture, woo- hoo. As you might guess it's me and the extreme one being extreme!!! lol Click on it to go back!!
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