Dunno why i called it that, just thought it'd be funny. So, here is all the kewl stuff that is not skate related (apart from some of the links) so take the links to the other pages. 
Jokes page
Of course you can guess what's on here! I haven't updated this for a bit 'cos I haven't heard any good ones for a while except those on townie haters!! So, if you know any good ones e-mail me and make me laugh! As for now you'll have to make do with what's on there.
Amusing stories and the like
So on this page is only two stories at the moment but I'm gonna put more on here so that you can enjoy the amazement of having poems etc here to make you chuckle! If you have any ideas as to what can be up here let me know and I'll see if you inspire me.
Where's Bin Laden?
Everyone's played where's wally in their time but here is a slight twist on it for you all to enjoy!!!
On this page is a list of notices! Basically if people are selling stuff, wanting to buy stuff or anything else such as you want people in your band just tell me and I'll put it up here! It's coming on slowly!!!! enjoy it for now!
Some disturbing things happen in this strange little town of Kenilworth! I have recovered some newspaper articles involving some people you might recognise. Try not to be disturbed!!
Coo, Coo. Aaawww jeyya, ya can't surf (da net) widout links jeyya!! Here be the links page 411!!
Nothing to say about that. Speaks for itself!!!
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