Information on the video
The video is a momentum of Davies (I meant to put that) It should be about 45 mins long and be full of madness with a fair bit of skating aswell. Were hoping it will be ready for the time Davies gets back but no one's been out skating with all the exams on! We will have some music on it but obviously we can't say what 'cos we don't wanna get sewed or any shit like that! Yeah, so the people on the vid' are gonna be... Me (Kris Hewitt), Michael Seaton, Dave Tapley, Owen Smith, Rich (the bitch) Holmes, Mark (Casual) Haymen, Mark Britton, Andy Britton, some of Dave Wight, Chris Foster, a bit of Steve Bell and other people who I've probably forgoten!! People can come and get copies of the video from anyone involved in it and enjoy some local fun. OK, kewl. That's it. Click here to go back.
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