Jamaica vibration
Th Lavish island of Jamaica as a tropical climate that will warm the hearts of many.A population of over 2 Million peaple live on the island.On your first vist to you will be greeted by some very fiendly peaple at the Airport are on the street saing "A man welome to mi island of paradice."Be sure to check out downtown Kigston,this is the is one of the two Cities of Jamaica but kingston is the heart of Jamaica.While in Kingston you can stay at The Pegaus Hotel are at the Hylton,These are two of Jamaica finnest hotels.Are you in for entertaiment?well check out the hipe spot at knoxford blvd in newkingston were you will fine some real nice Resturant plus you can check out Cuddies on Dominica Drive if you are into food and fun.The Asylum are the Quad nite club is the place to be if you are in to night entainment.The Quad Nite hold five dance floor for your desire.Fashion is hot in Jamaica the colours that are wearing right now is Red,Black and Gold.The Hottest desighners brand in Jamaica right are Cooyiah,cashafire and uzuri international.Pulse is the top model agency in Jamaica at the monment with the top Black model in the WORLD coming out of the pulse camp.There are two major beauty pagent in Jamaica the Miss Jamaica univese contest put on by pulse in April the reighing queen is Raquel Wright and then there is the Miss JamaicaWorld contst held in Setember of each year and is put on by spartan the reighning queen is Tonya Toyloy.Are you into the out doors? well let go hiking,The Jamaica blue Moutain is one of the higgest moutain in Caribbean.How about some sun,well you need to check out the Beaches.North coast Jamaica has the best beaches and resorts n the world,Dunn River fall is just one of the many hot spot on that side of the island.There are a lot of Radio Station ON the island that will keep you grooving to some nice Jammy music.TVJ,CVMTV and LOVETV is the Local television station for you to choose from,Check out TVJ'S Raising star on sundays at 8:00pm if you find yourself in the island during August-September.By the way if you didn't now it geat Bob Marley is from Jamaica,Asafa Powell and Veronica Campell are two of the worlds top athlets and they are from this Island.Jamaica awaite your arrival to take you on a hospitality journy that you will never forget.ONE LOVE, TILL MORE TIME.
Carolyn Yapp T.GSelect Miss Jamaica Universe mine 2005
My Favorite Links:www.missjamaiaword.com
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