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Outer Realm Home Page


If you want to ask The Realm Master any questions, send email to: [email protected] No spam please!

Another website that I created:

Mag Planet: http://www.geocities.com/magplanet

History of The Outer Realm BBS:

The Outer Realm BBS was a dialup modem BBS (Bulletin Board Service) that operated in the late 1980's. It was ran on my home computer from 1987 through 1988 then it started up again in 1991. People would use a hyperterminal-type modem emulator program to have their computer dial my telephone which was operated from my computer and people could post and leave messages, download and upload files, play online games and read text files which the SysOp (System Operator) would provide to the callers. They would call the BBS with their computer, be presented with a prompt to type in a user ID then put in a password to log on. It was a simple system that made it possible for people to have a little fun with their computers before the advent of the Internet. Unfortunately, BBS's became outmoted when people learned how to use the Internet.

Stay tuned for more later. I plan to put in some clickable links so people can do things like they did in the old days.  Sort of a retro thing, you know.

There will be lots of explanations but you can email me at the above email address if you have any questions!

Page updated on July 4, 2008


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