SCA Equestrian: Horses have been a part of the SCA for more than 25 years. Occuring in every kingdom of the Known World. Although our numbers are small in comparison to the other SCA activities. However, we are dedicated to our sport and are willing to assist anyone in getting started!!

This web site is for those who live in the Kingdom of the Outlands which covers New Mexico, most of Colorado, parts of Wyoming and Nebraska, and El Paso and Hudspeth counties of Texas.


New Outlands Kingdom Equestrian Officer:    Lady Isabol De Chateau Cheval Noir      
Estrella War 2008:        Outlands Jousting Tournament is Saturday 3-5pm in the horse area.
                                  Outlands Equestrian Meeting after the Jousting Tournament.

Outlands Rule Book:     There is a Outlands Equestrian specific rule book in the works.
                                   Final copy should be avalible by Estrella War.
SCA Equestrian Web Page
Outlands Equestrain Yahoo Group
The Kingdom of the Outlands
SCA Equestrian Games
Mounted Combat
Mounted Crest Combat
Kid's Ages 10 and Up
Contact: Lady Isabol de Chateau Cheval Noir - Kingdom Equestrian Officer
[email protected]   or    [email protected]       
This Web Site is a publication of the Outlands Equestrians of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. It is not a corporate publication of the SCA, Inc. and does not delinate SCA policies.
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