Passing through the enemy's land

 Weapon in my sweating hands

 A snipers bullet takes me down

 Pool of blood forms on the ground

 A squad approaches, " this soldiers dead"

 As I lay motionless in a pool of red

 " Pull the tags from his chest 



Let's put this soldiers body to rest".

 " Oh my God, don't bury me

 I'm not dead...cant you see,

 My minds alive but  can't react

 They placed me in a body sack"

 " Sorry soldier we have to go "

 They placed me in this small dark hole

 The feel of earth touching my face

 About to leave this human race

 As I lay beneath the ground

 Knowing....never to be found.

 I heard them say as they walked away

 " If we don't make it back,  He'll be MIA"

 This is where the story ends,

 What type of message does it send?

 Could this story in fact be true?

 Deep down you know, It could have been you!

Chuck Preston ~ 12-1999

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