<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/outlawedraiders/War_III_Trailer_Music.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
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      Welcome to the Outlawed Raiders home site!  This site is set up to inform members and non-members what we are all about.
       Here you can find information on: what our ranks in the guild are, what each rank means, how to get promoted to each rank, rules over all in the guild, our policy on raids, and a small bio of our starting this guild.
       Most important of all we just want to remind everyone that this is just a game and we are all just trying to have as much fun as possible.  So please enjoy yourself and welcome to the Outlawed Raiders.




Picture of Week

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Special thanks to:
For Questions or to send concerns please contact:  [email protected]
Duritan: Website Creator
Rawth: Website Aurthor
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