Jenny Wakeman & Brad Carbunkle


Full Names: Global Robotic Response Unit XJ9 and Bradley Carbunkle
Appear In:
The Nickelodeon animated series "My Life as a Teenage Robot"
Voice Actors:
Janice Kawaye and Chad Doreck.
Tremorton, USA.
Jenny's: Mrs. Nora Wakeman (creator and mother); XJs 1- 8 (sisters). Brad's: Tuck Carbunkle (brother); his unseen parents.


Jenny "XJ-9" Wakeman and Bradley "Brad" Carbunkle. A robot girl and a human boy who happen to be best friends and next-door neighbors. Most likely because of the obvious difference in species, you would probably think at first that they could not work as a couple. But upon further inspection, it becomes obvious that Brad and Jenny could quite possibly function as a couple.

Jenny is the typical robot who has the duty of keeping the world safe from alien invasions, falling meteors, and such. But she also has the personality of a regular teenager, and all she wants is to be just like one. Similarly (and yet oppositely), Brad is a typical teenager who's bored with his everyday life and wishes he could explore the outside world the way Jenny does.

Needless to say, when Jenny and Brad first meet (as seen in the series premiere "It Came From Next Door"), they are instantly fascinated with each other, and they speak in almost perfect unison when they're checking each other out. It seemed like Brad really wanted to get to know her, as shown by his urging her to come outside and hang out with him, but the real piece of evidence comes when one realizes how complimentary Jenny and Brad are to each other. As mentioned before, they're both frustrated and extremely bored teenagers who are fed up with their everyday lives and wish they could be more like the other. Certainly, that suggests that they're definitely an ideal couple.

Additionally, Jenny considers Brad to be her authority on all things teenaged, even though he often gets bored with what he has to talk to her about. As if that's not enough, sometimes Brad seems to want to impress Jenny, and more often than not, it works. But most importantly, as mentioned before, Brad and Jenny are best friends, to the point that they could be more than that. Therefore, it would not be surprising if they ever ended up officially dating, especially considering that Jenny has occasionally gone out with Brad for special occasions. (Plus, they'd have some interesting-looking kids if and when they ever get married!)

Episodes with Hints of Romance

"It Came From Next Door"

As mentioned above, the moment Brad first meets Jenny, they become fast friends. Immediately following, when Brad falls out the window, Jenny is quick to, for the first of many times, catch him in her arms like a hero catching his damsel. As if that isn't enough, Brad doesn't seem to be in a hurry to get out of her arms.  

"Class Action"

In this episode, it is Brad who shows Jenny the ins and outs of being a high-school student.

Additionally, when Jenny seems to be blow apart at the end of the episode, Brad is the one who is most saddened by it, and he immediately cheers up when he sees that she's okay.

"Doom With a View"

After the Cluster Drone traps Brad inside its body, he suggests that Jenny, due to her "fondness" of him, would like him as a pet once she arrived on Cluster Prime.

"Unlicensed Flying Object"

At the end, not only does Brad stand up for Jenny by telling Mrs. Wakeman that all of the incidents that occurred during the episode weren't her fault, but he and Jenny smile at each other for a brief moment.

"Party Machine"

Brad falls off the ceiling fan onto Jenny's lap. And later, when the Minutian throws him, Jenny catches him (again), and he says in awe, "Nice catch!"

"See No Evil"

Upset with her appearance that her new eyes give her, Jenny quickly abandons them and has trouble getting around as a result. When Tuck suggests that she have someone be her eyes for her, Jenny immediately chooses Brad for the job, even though he isn't exactly trustworthy. Apparently, Jenny just wants to hang out with Brad.

"The Great Unwashed"

When the mechanics agree to help get Jenny fixed up, she and Brad look at each other with the most adorable look on their faces.

Later, at the end of the episode, Brad decides not to go to Don Prima's party and instead help Jenny wash off. And as if that's not enough, Jenny willingly stays with Brad and allows him to wash her. 

"Return of the Raggedy Android"

In order to gain access to Mezmer's, a soda place where robots are not allowed, Jenny puts on her "human suit" introduced in an earlier episode, which Mrs. Wakeman has perfected since then. When she shows up at Mezmer's in the suit, all the guys find her attractive, including Brad, who's working as a soda jerk there.

But the real romance factor comes when the suit takes control of Jenny and prevents her from taking offense at a renegade group of alien bikers. When the bikers start hurting Brad, Jenny, realizing he's in trouble, fights off her own body just trying to save him.

Afterwards, Jenny gets thrown out again, but Brad follows her and quits his job just so he can hang out with Jenny. (It's only when the jukebox robot leaves that the other guys follow.)

"Sibling Tsunami"

Shortly after Jenny introduces Brad to her eight sisters, XJ6 gets upset with Brad because "you think XJ-9 is cuter then me, don't you!?" (Apparently, he does.)

"Daydream Believer"

Brad shows obvious signs of jealousy when Jenny won't shut up about the dream she had about Don Prima.

"Future Shock"

When Jenny remarks that she'll have to settle going to the dance with Brad, he gets upset, apparently thinking that Jenny considers him not good enough to be dating her.

"Humiliation 101"

In the middle of the episode, when Jenny & Brad are singing, at the very end of the song, they're shown skipping on with their arms locked.

"Last Action Zero"

Brad finally gets his chance to join the Skyway Patrol, figuring he'll get more action out of it than he has as Jenny's sidekick. Jenny tries to tell him that it may not be a good idea, but he doesn't listen to her. He soon reconsiders, though, when he discovers that being in the patrol revolves more around paperwork than actual patrolling.

Later on, a rock monster whom the patrol had captured earlier in the episode breaks loose. A battered Jenny, who happens to have ended up on the patrol's ship, teams up with Brad and helps him defeat the rock monster with the loads of paperwork he has. Afterwards, Brad quits the patrol and leaves with Jenny.


Upset over not having done anything to help Jenny recently, Brad goes looking for buried treasure with a map Tuck found in the city dump (actually an activity from a cereal box). What he finds is Dr. Locust, the mad scientist who built the robot pigs Jenny was fighting earlier, and his android daughter, Melody. Wanting to copy Jenny's schematics, Locust locks Brad up as bait. Sure enough, Jenny shows up and helps Brad escape without him knowing (she wants him to feel good about himself). But Locust then captures Jenny.

Upon finding out that Jenny was helping him escape just now, Brad returns to Locust's lair in order to rescue her. Afterwards, he suddenly performs a masterful escape from the self-destructing hideout himself with an astounded Jenny in his arms, despite her being weighed down by the restraining device that Locust has placed on her neck. Following the escape, Brad is astonished to learn that Jenny couldn't do anything with that collar around her neck (his sudden strength was actually Melody guiding him with her own robotic hand). But Jenny tells him the important thing is that he came to her rescue and was quite brave in doing so, and for that, he's her hero. And with that, she gives him an embracing hug that he's more than happy to return.

"Escape From Cluster Prime"

This movie shows us plenty of evidence that Jenny and Brad could no doubt be a couple! Early on in the movie, when Jenny's riding on the missile, Brad tells her to jump off of it, offering to catch her. Also, when the rest of Tremorton takes offense at Jenny, Brad does not. At the halfway point of the film, when Brad is surrounded by the Cluster Drones, he cries out for Jenny.

In the meantime, on Cluster Prime, Jenny befriends Cluster robot counterparts of herself and her human friends, among them Drab, who looks, sounds and acts like Brad. At one point, Jenny even catches Drab in her arms, similar to how she would have caught Brad, and she almost gets caught up in the moment. Apparently, Drab reminds Jenny very much of Brad.

But again, the real romance factor comes at the ending. When Brad and Tuck arrive on Cluster Prime, Jenny immediately embraces Brad like lovers reunited, completely walking over Tuck and ignoring Sheldon. When Tuck tries to point out that they just happened to show up by way of a portal, Brad shuts him up, apparently wanting to impress Jenny, as she is getting the idea that they came all the way from Earth to find her. Surely, Jenny is practically swooning over Brad.

And of course, at the very end, when Jenny is awarded for her heroism, Brad is the first one to hug her. (Again, Sheldon gets left out.)


Brad: Whoa! A real life robot!
Jenny: A real life teenager!
Brad and Jenny: Whoa! Look at that! And those! And that hair! (laugh)
Brad: So you're a superhero who goes around the world having death-defying adventures and fighting dastardly villains?
Jenny: Mm-hmm.
Brad: Sweet!
Jenny: And you're a teenager who goes to high school and meets other kids and hangs out with them?
Brad: Of course.
Jenny: Cool!

"Tuck, you have to admit, for an evil cyborg robot, Jenny's pretty cool!" ~Brad

"Oh my gosh, Jenny! You're the coolest robot girl I've ever known! Not that I've ever known any other robot girls, but still, you're the coolest!" ~Brad

Jenny: How does this story end anyway?
Brad: I don't know. Maybe he gets a ticket for disturbing the peace.

"Someone's having mood swings." ~Brad, singing to Jenny

Jenny: Oh my gosh, and then I enjoyed a glass of juice for the first time--orange juice! It tasted like apple! Then Don and I sat in a hot tub, and I didn't electrocute him!
Brad: You know, Jen, dreams are more fun to have than to hear about.

"Come on, Jenny, being a super hero is da bomb! I'd trade places with you any day!" ~Brad

Jenny: But every datable guy is already taken. Looks like I'll have to settle for Brad again.
Brad: Settle? What’s that supposed to mean?
Jenny: I just... I just meant-
Brad: Meant what? Brad's not datable? Brad's a loser? Brad couldn't get a date if he were rich, handsome and the last man on planet Earth?
Jenny: I just meant that we could go together if I couldn't find anyone else.

"Aw, poor Brad. He deserves to feel good about himself, even if it's completely unjustified." ~Jenny

Jenny: Brad, you came for me...
Brad: Just repaying the favor.

Brad: But I don't get it! There's no way I could've leaped over caverns and smashed rocks on my own. I could've sworn I felt a robotic hand helping me!
I don't know how you did it, but you came to my rescue, and the bravery was 100% Brad! You're my hero!

"Jenny, jump! I'll catch you!" ~Brad

Jenny: Brad! Tuck!
Brad and Tuck: Jenny!
(Jenny runs up and embraces Brad.) Sheldon: I didn't get a hug.
Jenny and Brad: I'm so glad to see you!
Jenny: You guys came all the way across the galaxy just for me?
Tuck: Well no, actually we-- (Brad slaps his hand over Tuck's mouth)
Brad: Absolutely! Yes, yes we did.

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Jenny/Brad Forever!

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