It all began in the fall of 2002. Me and James were really close friends. We had played together in a band that didn't work out. So we were just chilling in my bedroom listening to The Misfits and we had the idea to start a band. Our original intent was to play horror punk, like The Misfits. So we started the band with me on guitar and him on bass. We used a drum machine for the longest time. We then added a second guitarist in the spring of '02. That only lasted for 1 1/2 practices due to musical differences. We were into punkrock and he was into old 80's metal and shit. So we kicked him out. In the fall of '03 we added another guitarist. Our friend Matt. Matt was into punkrock and skating just like us. He was trying to find another band to play in. He was in an emo band with Derek. Matt joined us and we recorded a cover of Halloween by The Misfits. Despite the lack of drums, it was pretty good... too bad we lost it. Anyways Later Derek was looking for a band to join so we let him in. We made Derek a guitarist and moved Matt up to vocals. Then Jason joined as the drummer. We began to become serious about the band. We went through a lot of name changes and all this other shit. We even changed our sound a bunch of times. Some of the styles we played were horror punk, political punk, hardcore, melodic punk, and melodic hardcore. We recorded some more songs. Derek left the band during the summer. Matt switched back to guitar and me and him split vocal duties. During the summer we added a second bassist named Paul. Paul was only in the band for about 2 months. We might have plans to do some more stuff with him in the future. During the fall of '04 we bagan to talk about recording an album. We are currently working on that album.

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