Pastors:Tim and Bea Anna

Youth Pastors: Bryan and Kim Jarrett

Childrens Church Pastors: Tim and Cathy Flora

Church times:

Sunday School 10:00 A.M., Sunday morining worship 10:45 A.M., Childrens Church 10:45 A.M., Sunday evening worship 6:30 P.M., Wensday evening programs Missionettes,Royal Rangers, Youth Group, and Adult Bible study, 7:00 P.M.

Royal Rangers Commander Staff.

Senior Commander: Jerry Shadrick..

Commander Shadrick started in the Royal Rangers program as a Traiblazer and F.C.F. member in 1971. Jerry stayed in the Rangers program through Trailrangers when at age 17 he enlisted into the U.S. Marine Corps. Commander Shadrick was honorbly discharged from the U.S.Marine Corps and served twice in the Army Natinal Guard and was honarble discharge. Jerry worked as a law enforcment officer in the Camdenton Missouri area where he was nominated for"Officer of The Year"for the State of Missouri in 1988. Jerry has worked as a Jr.Commander, Lt.Commander, Trailblazer Commander, and Senior Commander, he has a burden to see boy's come to know Jesus as Lord and savior of there life's and be involved in the church, the Royal Ranger program he feels is a great way to do it.

TrailBlazer Commander: Perry Jones..

Buckaroo Commander: Frank Baugh Jr..

Pioneer Commander: Bryan Headrick..

Lt. Commander: Jamie Norton..

Lt. Commander: Mat Jones..

Outpost Chaplin: Pastor Tim Anna..

Outpost Council: Larry Boulden..

Outpost Council: Jim Grisum..

Outpost Council: Bryan Jarritt..

Outpost Council: Ken Clemens..

From the Senior Commander

The TrailBlazers and Pioners of Outpost 311 are working hard right now to get there No Code Tech. Amateur radio lic. In anticipation of the boys passing there test we have set up an amateur radio station and are working off of my call sign which is KB0OXT. Below is a pic of our new ham shack at the Royal Ranger Meeting room. So if you are in to ham radio make sure to listen for Outpost 311 on the band.

Frontier Camping Fellowship

The Camper's Prayer

Our Father, we thank Thee for the beauty of this unspoiled world, for the lake and the trees, the rocks and the stars which chart the way to heaven. May we appreciate it to such an extent that our presence here shall not detract in any way from the beauty that was here before we came. Grant us health, that we may be able to get the most out of this camping experience. Give us the willingness to do our full share of the work of the day. Give us, our Father, the physical courage to meet whatever emergency may arise and, if necessary, to bear the pain bravely. Give us the moral courage to say, "No." Guard us from boastfulness, intolerance and deceit. And never permit us to forget that we are here under peaceful skies because other boys, not much older than we, died to make it so. Protect us, dear God, through the hours of the day and the darkness of the night, that we may return at the conclusion of this happy experience, better than when we left, to those who love us. We ask this in the name of Christ Jesus, Amen.

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