Things that annoy us about the Internet and the computer in general:

(same disclaimer used on our opinion page applies to this one)

Shareware evaluation periods that run out before they claim they will. (We won't name names, to avoid a lawsuit, but there was a certain Newsgroup image grabber that said it had a 45 day evaluation period.)

Some of the people who estimate the downtime for system maintenance, upgrading, etc.
"We'll be back up and running on the x of this month."
"The system will be down for x hours." (uuhhhuuu, yuupp yup yup)


Software that cost over one-hundred US dollars.

Dozens of sites about the same celebrity, but none about some others.


The programmers that make software installers that overwrites newer system files with old ones.

Generic error messages. Especially the ones that infer that you made a mistake. (AAGGGHH)

Fatal Error message. (Dang, I thought I killed it.)

Programming manuals. (AAAAAAGGGHH!!!!!)

The people who over use frames that seem to think everyone is using a large monitor and/or high resolution. (or maybe they just like clutter) (some frame sites do look quite good)

Sites with frames without a no-frames option.

"This site is optimized for 1024 x 768." (Hello!)

"This site is best viewed with..."

Web sites that use colors and/or backgrounds that make it nearly impossible to read.
(Like this one? Turn up your contrast and reduce your brightness, bunky. Unfortunately, we've all seen worse.)

Web pages over 100KB

Companies that think everyone has, or wants to use their credit card to buy things
(How 'bout a mailing address? A catalog request option? )



browser plug-ins

Websites that require browser plug-ins

RealPlayer (Hate it, hate it, hate it!)

Pay web sites (get real)

Adult Check and all it's clones

"This site is Free ... if you pay $x.xx per month" (someone buy these people a dictionary)

"You did not fill in all the required fields... the high school name you entered is invalid" (?)

Computer security

Computer privacy

Y2K scare

the browser battle

WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files directory

banner adds

crappy banners adds

crappy animated banners adds

muffin fans

swap files that never unload (well almost)


...and what the heck is the Scroll Lock button supposed to do?

META "Keywords" header abuse

the automatic adjust clock for daylight saving changes option in Win95. Spring ahead works okay, but me thinks the fall back part needed a wee bit 'o work. (At least on my version)

Loud autostart MIDI files on web sites, that scares the !#&% out of ya when they start at three in the morning.

oh yeah, last but not least, people that use the Internet as a soapbox to gripe, grumble, b--ch, moan and/or whine about what they don't like!!! (doesn't that really annoy you??? ;)

:) :o ;)

Actually we enjoy the computer and Internet... usually ;)

...but we also like to gripe... usually :)

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