OUTPOST 7 www.geocities.com/outpost_7 --------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Back up your current AUTOEXEC.BAT and Exit To DOS.PIF files. I am hoping you already know a bit about Multiple Configurations, if not you should read the section in DOS Help first. --------------------------------------------------------------------- You may already know this trick but... If you are running Windows 95 (or 98?) and have your system configured for multiple start up, you can add a few lines to your AUTOEXEC.BAT to automatically Exit To DOS once Windows starts. (bypassing the Shut Down... dialog box routine) :windows REM deletes Exit To DOS from StartUp directory (if exists) IF EXIST :\WINDOWS\STARTM~1\PROGRAMS\STARTUP\EXITTO~1.PIF DEL :\WINDOWS\STARTM~1\PROGRAMS\STARTUP\EXITTO~1.PIF goto end :dosgames REM Copies Exit To DOS to StartUp directory (overwrites if exists) REM Causes system to Exit To DOS COPY :\WINDOWS\EXITTO~1.PIF :\WINDOWS\STARTM~1\PROGRAMS\STARTUP /y goto end :end