<BGSOUND SRC="buellerwav.wav">
Who I am...
Well here goes! My name is James Sobolewski. I was born August 24th, 1984. I was born in Jacksonville, Florida. I live in Gautier Mississippi, but I've also live almost ALL over the Northeast to Southeast coast. I'm currently in a local metal band called Overburden. I sing Synth Vocals, and it's alot of fun . I graduated from Gautier High, which was like a minimum security prison. I'm sure every student at school thinks that, and IT IS! Anyway, I have two older brothers and  younger sister. Rich, Jon and Christina. (HURRAY FOR THEM)... sorry I like big font. *Back on track* The number one goal in my life is to make everyone happy. It's a tough thing to do, but damnit, I'm good at it. Humor is my best weapon against anything. From depression to anger, and bordom to jelousy. It is my surviving element. I know it's weird but it's what I do. I'm online alot  so you can pm and stuff like that. Under Yahoo! i am the overburden_spaz. ALRIGHTY THEN, well I'm going to stop bitching about myself and let you get back to the rest of the page.. so... uh.. L*8*R!
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Some Of My Works of Poetry
Despirte Everything
All poems copyrighted by  James Sobolewski. Do not use without permssion.
Notice: All poems are in Microsoft Word  .doc file format.
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A Girl
A Choice
My Online Journal
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