Saiyan Levels :

Normal � The first Saiyan stage. They have a tail with brown fur. They all have black colored eyes. The only exception to this is Trunks who is a Half-Saiyan with blue eyes.

Oozaru � A Saiyan can turn Oozaru if he still has his tail. When they look at a full moon, they transform into a giant ape that is 10x more powerful than a normal Saiyan. They can reach this stage by using a technique that creates a ball of light that emits light that is identical to a moon's. If their tail is cut off, they can no longer attain this stage.

Super Saiyan 1 - This is the first stage of the Saiyan legend. It is characterized by gold hair that sticks straight up, golden eyebrows,green eyes, increased muscles and speed, and increased power levels. In DBZ, Goku is the first of the Z-Warriors to go Super Saiyan.

Ultra Super Saiyan � This is the intermediate Saiyan level between Super Saiyan 1 and 2. This form gives the Saiyan incredible Strength but lacks speed.

Super Saiyan 2 - This is the true second stage of the Saiyan legend. The Saiyan's speed, energy and strength are greatly increased. They keep the same looks as the Super Saiyan, except that their muscles become larger, and their hair becomes fuller and sticks straight up more. Also, the Super Saiyan is surrounded in lightning. The first Saiyan known to have reached this stage is Gohan.

Super Saiyan 3 - This stage is characterized by long golden hair (reaching to about the lower back). Their muscle mass increases and their speed and power increase substantially. The only Saiyans to reach this are Goku and Gotenks.

Golden Oozaru- This is the stage that a Saiyan must go through before reaching Super Saiyan 4. This is just like the ordinary Oozaru with the exception of golden fur instead of brown.

Super Saiyan 4 - This stage is the most powerful of all, and is the highest achieved in all of Dragonball/Z/GT. In order to reach this stage, a Super Saiyan enters Golden Oozaru form, and then (through unknown control) pushes himself beyond Golden Oozaru, turning back into their Saiyan-like form. The Super Saiyan 4 stage is characterized by red fur and they grow their tail back. The hair is black, the muscles and power level are higher than that of any other stage shown. Goku, Vegeta, and Gogeta are all who has reached this stage (DBGT).

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