Introducing: Brendon Michael Lee
When Brendon was born Callie held him and said "he does not look like a McCallin"! We asked the other kids what they wanted his name to be and they all said they wanted his name to be 'Brendon'. This was surprizing because they had all said earlier that this is not what they wanted his name to be. Something changed their minds and it wasn't me, as Callie thinks it was. Brendon was born with the chord wrapped around his neck twice and around his waist once. He had also tied a 'true knot' in it at some point during the pregnancy. Amazingly this caused no problems at all! Dec 29, 2003 Callie is due to have our 5th child in May of 2004!! I wonder if we will have a girl?? maybe so!!
Mother: Callie
Father: Michael
Born on: July 1, 2002 2:44 P.M.
Born at: American Fork, Utah
Weight: 7lbs 12 oz
Height: 20"
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
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