"When a mysterious explosion destroys an artificial intelligence lab, Adam Hollister is framed. His son, Jack Hollister, sets out to prove his father's innocence, that someone else had caused the explosion and had stolen an experimental computer brain. Merging it with his own brain, he transforms into the master criminal known as Cybron. To fight Cybron and his evil Bioborgs, Jack Hollister becomes Skysurfer One, leader of the Skysurfer Strike Force."
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Guess what I found at Wal-Mart for only $1? Skysurfer Strike Force: Time Storm, four episodes of mid/late 1990s nostalgia. I found the second installment, Alien Attack, a few months later. So far there haven't been any hints at a third, but if there are, I'll be sure to update with more media.

Memories of Skysurfer
Skysurfer Strike Force is one of those "team of heroes with special skills and costumes battles villains with same" type of cartoons. They use special watches to transform, their cars become their boards, and they're ready for action.

Not too long after seeing some cool looking commercials for a cartoon that aired on a station I didn't even have, Skysurfer Strike Force began airing on the WB or UPN around noon on Saturdays here in Virginia. A few years later it reaired weekday mornings on the Sci-Fi Channel.

The television version had a rock intro theme song and another song called "They Call Me Sliced Ice" for the ending, while the DVD intro is slightly different with narration and a more hero-ish song without lyrics. The same song is used for the ending.

About this Site
I created this site for people like me who remember the cartoon but can't find much on the internet about it. Here is your source for pics and clips, and a little bit of info. I'm not a huge fan, just a mini one.

LAST UPDATE JANUARY 2009 - Images and Episodes

If you have any info or media to submit, contact
[email protected]
Skysurfer Strike Force Mini Fan Zone
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