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A number of gamers are seeking information that is typically outside the game itself. The sites that provide this information can often be so heavy with advertising that you loose track of what you are thinking about.

Our Mission

We try and provide reference information to sites that are packed with information, well designed and easy to use.

Gamers Information

Just click on News if you want ideas on what is going on in the games industry or click Game Info to find the information you are searching for. If the game is not listed here, you could search the web using google or yahoo and placing  the name of the game in the search box area.

A shortcut way to get to the place you want is to use the contents page.

We also provide a list of internet cafes and so on.

Being a new site, I have had little feed back on the site so far.

Material on this web site come from a number of people. The material is then gathered and written up as required.

Contact Information

Electronic mail
General Information: [email protected]
Webmaster: [email protected]


Send mail to [email protected] with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 22-Nov-2005
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws