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Billed as the vertical shooter game.

No place to hide: characters can use spirit vision to detect all players even if they are behind walls.

The game is unusual because you can fire while climbing or hanging onto surfaces. The areas are vast covering miles of distance and thousands of vertical feet. There are several paths to choose from to get to your desired destination.

Battles can range from sniping, setting traps or close up combat.

Players can also use vehicles, numbers of different weapons and even bombs that have several modes of operation.


Damantion the game.

Gamespot a review of the game.

Rise Of Legends

I suppose the game I expected here would be a mixture of managing Sim like researchers doing work at excavation sites of the crashed space junk and the standard city building game (that is part of the game now). I also think that training could have played a major part in the game also. The Sims can be quite enjoyable to watch while they train and interact with you and each other.

The Rise Of Legends starts of with what I call a “wrap” wow factor (that is a movi) showing a large space craft breaking up into pieces and smashing into an earth like planet. I expected the game to have similarities to Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, where part of the game would involve the wreckage of the space craft.

However, like most “wraps” (that are movies about the game) they promise much and deliver something else. Perhaps this could be attributed to the story teller of Rise Of Legends being restricted by technology or perhaps the marketing team sticking in some glitzy stuff to suck the player into giving the game a go.

Rise of Legends plays like a standard city building game, I however think the computer game based on Warhammer 40K does a better job at this.

Still the game has an unusual blend of the ancient and modern technology that gives the game a unique feel and some gamers may prefer this to the slick modern looks of a game like Warhammer 40K.

Have fun playing the game, I did.


Rise Of Legends

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and Wiki-pedias' thoughts on Alpha Centauri.

Warhammer 40K and Wiki-pedias' thoughts on Warhammer 40K.

The Sims

Maple Story and Maple Sky

This is the classic free game. Maple sky however seems to be having problems, so I suggest you stick to maple story. They are similar games from what I understand and maple story is not likly to dissapear or be difficult to get into like maple sky.

Tuesday March 27, 2007 -- Sorry to the fans of maple sky, the site seems to have turned into a notice board rather then a game. There are some beta testers in there apparently, but I feel it is easier to simply download maple story instead.

If you want to know more about maple story, check out http://www.maplestory.com/ . You will need to down load the game once you choose a site: Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand or Europe. You will also have to make a account once you down load the program. Once that is done, you only need to log in using your user name and password. Enjoy the game

Gamers Information Site

Web site set up for gamers information in November 2005

Tuesday November 22, 2005 -- A number of gamers that are seeking information that is typically outside the game itself. The sites that provide this information can often be so heavy with advertising that you loose track of what you are thinking about.

We try and provide reference information to sites that are packed with information, well designed and easy to use.

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