Willem Programmer

The willem programmer was once a very popular programmer but now has fallen out of popularity when the TL866 ones hit the markets. I am not a big fan of them with their main software being in chinese or in very badly translated english. The peogrammers themselves are or pretty bad quality and may end up bricking my computer. Another reason why the willem fell out of popularity is that they have special dipswitch settigns but they are listed in the software. Another reason it that they have to connect to the LPT printer port or the parallel port, for the programmer to work. In the recent years it has been seen for manufacturers to drop support for the LPT port.

This programmer is based off a simple concept so much so that one can make their own. In the early das of them the weren't very complex and the had the PCB files and the schematics to build your own but I had trouble finding them. The schematic is still availalable though. I build one of my own programmers from the layouts readily available

Fully built unit

2020 OZFix