Australian Wildlife - Eagles 

Wedge-tailed-Eagle  (Aquila audax)
The Wedge-tailed Eagle is a large bird about 1m long with wingspan of up to 2.5m.It has long-feathered legs and a diamond or wedge shaped tail. Flies with slow powerful wing beats, and soars and circles at great heights. It is found in wide range of territory from  mountain forests to open plains.
  Wedge-tailed-Eagle  (Aquila audax)
Wedge-tailed Eagle at Currumbin Sanctuary.


  Wedge-tailed-Eagle  (Aquila audax)
Wedge-tailed Eagle at Currumbin Sanctuary.


White-bellied Sea-Eagle  (Haliaeetus leucogaster)
Grows to about 0.8m with a wingspan of 2.2m. Found near sea, wetlands and lakes. Photographed at Currumbin Sanctuary.


  White-bellied Sea-Eagle  (Haliaeetus leucogaster)
Photographed at Currumbin Sanctuary.


But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak. Isa 40:31

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