Australian Wildlife - Various Parrots 

Red-winged Parrot  (Aprosmictus erythropterus)
The Red-winged Parrot is about 32cm long. It is seen in pairs or small flocks in open woodland areas.
Eclectus Parrot  (Eclectus roratus)   Play Audio Clip
The Eclectus Parrot inhabits tropical rainforests. It is about 42cm long. The male is bright green with large orange bill. The female is deep red with black bill. 
Superb Parrot  (Polytelis swainsonii)
The Superb Parrot is found along inland forests and woodlands. It is about 40cm long. The male has a yellow throat. The female is more plain green (see below).. 
Superb Parrot  (Polytelis swainsonii)
The female Superb Parrot.

Mallee Ringneck  (Bernardius bernardi)   Play Audio Clip
The Superb Parrot is found in inland scrub and mulga country. It is about 35cm long.


Bourke's Parrot  (Neophema bourkii)
Bourke's Parrot is one of Grass Parrots, and is fairly small at just 20cm long. It is found in inland scrub land where it nests in tree hollows in Acacia and Casuarina trees. This one is a male. The female is similar in colour but has less pink and no blue markings on face. 
Cockatiel  (Nymphicus hollandicus)
This tame cockatiel was found on power lines near suburban garden. After being coaxed down it was kept as a pet for a few years before it escaped and was never seen again. There are a few wild Cockatiels around Brisbane, although they aren't common in the area. (click for larger portrait image).
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