With NO DOUBT AT ALL, the most HALARIOUS and PERVERTED of all Loas, are the Ghuede Loa, (also spelled, Gede, G�ede,Guede, and Gedeh). There are many Ghuede Loa in Dominican Voodun, as in Haitian Vodoun. Ghuede Limbo. Prin Ghuede, Ghuede Vi, Luis Ghuede, just to name a few. Yet I belive its safe to say that the most famous one of all is Ghuede Limbo Lakwa. Known in Haity as Guede Nibo Lakwa. This is the Ghuede one would most likely see at a fiesta de palos (party of the Saints).

Ghuede Limbo Lakwa (or La croix) is seen in Saint Expiditus. His feast day is the 19th of April. Where as in Haity the Gede Loa are honered in November 2nd, the day of the dead. His colors are black and white. Now, this is where a little internal problem arises within me. In addition to these 2 colors, usualy we light red candels to him. Yet not all do. Again I would like to re-iterate the fact that ALL WORK DIFFERENTLY. Yet, even though we may light red candels to him, he dose NOT like the color red, atleast thats how I know him to be, agin to each his own. Now, back to my point. Where was I? Oh yes, his drink is gin, and he smokes cigars. His manje (food) ofering is smoked harings with rice and black beans mixed together, (this food and all other food made for the Loas, are made WITH OUT salt!) to this sweet potatos and kasave, kasava bread, are added. We place this in front of him and light a candel in the middle of it.

When Ghuede arives at a party, no mater who the party may be for, he usualy steals the show! Most of the time, the first whord that he would say is "Co�iaso!" A very bad word in spanish, like Fuc*! All laugh because we knop Papa Ghuede is now with us.

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