The Indians

The Indian Division, is that one of the indijenous spirits. The Indians are water spirits. When they take possession of a person, they demand that water be trown on to them. The majority request this, yet the're some "dry" Indians such as Tindjo Alagwe (Saint Rafael). His feast day is the 29 of September, as is Beli� Belcan's. Infact all of the Arc Angels feast day is on this day. Honestly, I can not say much abaout this Division, as I do not have much experince with them. Yet what I do know, I will share with you all.

The Indians are the "point" of water. Thus, they are also the "point" of clarity. In the altars, they are placed on the floor, Like The Black Division, yet one should keep these two far from each other! The farther the better. Seeing as how within The Black Division one finds many Petro Loa, and they like blood. Yet to the Indians one Canot even show them blood. One has to keep in mind that the Indijenous suffered alot and sheeded alot of blood during colonization in the islands of the carribbean such as Puerto Rico, Cuba, The Dominican Republic and Hait�. For this, they donot like the site of blood.

They go on the floor, close to the Earth. They are offered fruits, vegetables, rum, coff� (without sgar), and tabaco. A hollow bowl like vesel made from clay (a clay pot) is placed in fornt of them with water and 7 rocks from the river. One can also give them 7 feathers of 7 different colours. Pipes, sugar cane, fruit insence and things like that, natural things ae given to them. Normally, we offer them a 7 day 7 colour candel. Yet each one has his or her own colours.

This Division, is not on of much possetion. Normally, they are the last ons to ariva at a party of the Loa, that is IF they come. When they DO arive, right away the plaza fos and gets cold water to trow on them, as when they arive they demand water. They show this by making sounds, as if they were to drown with out it (ironically). They ask for cigars and rum. In all honesty, i really don't know ie these spirits use fulas, kerchifs. The little Indians that i have seen, havent bothered to use any, except Anacaona. Yet this is not to sya that they don't use any.

Honestly, again, I dont know of many Indians, yet the ones I do know, I will share with you.

A vuelta (a path) of Anaisa Py�. When she taes possession, I have seen her to use a yellow fula. Yet I do know that she also does use the colour white.

El Indio de La Paz (The Indian of Peace:
This is the Indian that sits with his legs crosed and wears a graet plumage on his head. I belive that his colour is white. Eventhough i've seen him to use any colour while in head. Once again, I honestly Dont know.

El Indio G�rerro, or El Indio Bravo (The Warrior Indian or The Brave Indian:
This is the Indian that is usually sold in Botanicas in half (from the shoulders up), almost to be cross eyed, and carries an axe in his hand. His colours are blue and red.

Tindjo Alague:
This is Saint Rafael. His colours are pink and light blue. And apart from all the services mentioned above to this division, one can also offer him smoked fish.

Well, these are all the Indians I know. Why if I know so little about this division did I write about them? Because they are VERY important in the 21 Divisions. Like I said before, the Indians are on the point of water. Thus, they are the point of "clarity". In the Initiation the points of the Inidian are given in the river.

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