This is the Official Site of Ozzy The dog. Ozzy is a lab-boxer mix. She stays in a cage in our living room most of the time. 

   *** Ozzy news ***

  Lately, when Ozzy's been in here cage, if we don't pay attention to her, she'll press her face up against the cage and make faces to be funny. I'm trying to catch one on camera. The next time I see her make one, I'll take a picture and put it here. Usually she'll make the usual face where her lips are open, showing her teeth.

  About Ozzy  

We got Ozzy earlier in the beginning of the school year. My mom was on a service call and the lady came home and my mom heard her yelling. Ozzy and her brother scattered dirty baby diapers all over the place and ripped them open. My mom ended up being given Ozzy. We have to keep her in a cage or she'll tear everything apart. Either that or she'll poop on every floor she sees. Ozzy likes playing basketball. Her version of basketball is where I kick a half inflated basketball and she'll go chase it and pick it up with her teeth and run with it until I catch her.  Her favorite foods are Dry dog food, people food, shoes, anything plastic, remote controls, waterbeds, and dog biscuits.                      
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