Yelgrun talks about his time as a field supervisor for the Dominion, his life, his career and the Vorta


A Vorta with a purpose

It wasn't easy for Doc Selar to make an appointment with Yelgrun. The Vorta leads a busy life, and as we learned he is not too eager to talk about his time in a Federation prison. However, finally she managed to talk to the now famous singer/songwriter, who'd started his career as a field supervisor for the Dominion. Doc Selar met the Vorta, casually clothed in jeans and teeshirt, at Neelix' Bar on Risa, and over six bottles of Romulan Ale Yelgrun talked quite frankly about his life.

Selar: Yelgrun, how did you get into showbiz?
Yelgrun: Oh, this was quite a funny story. When I was released from prison, the war was over, the Dominion didn't exist anymore, and for the first time in 2000 years the Vorta had to care for themselves. All I ever learned was supervising Jem'Hadar, and as you might can imagine, there were not too many job offers in this department available.

Yelgrun at Neelix' Bar on Risa
Click to hear him sing!

One night I sat in this bar, having many drinks with another Vorta whose name I can't remember, we've been really drunk, yeah you know how these things turn out, we ended up singing the Klingon opera "Aktuh and Melota". A music producer from Risa heard me sing and booked me right away for his club.
Selar: But Vorta have no sense of esthetic. How can you sing?
Yelgrun: Oh, I can't. But then again, these days you don't have to. Just look at the charts pet, anybody listed who can sing? I mean, just take these candy pop poopers, Kim & Paris. Don't tell me they can sing!
Selar: I know you don't like to talk about it, but what was your time as a prisoner of the Federation like?

Yelgrun as a field supervisor (left) and today (right)

Yelgrun: Horrible. Plain horrible. I mean these Federation dudes always chatted away about like respect for the individual and dignity of any sentient being, but hell, their cell's didn't even have a door, just this force field, so I felt watched all the time, and man, this was no pleasure, even Vorta need some privacy! And for about 1 month I had to share my place with a Ferengi - man, I still hate Ferengi, I really do. However, I used the time to meditate and study the Federation. I soon realized the Dominion would loose the war, so I wanted to be prepared for the time "after." But really, I don't want to talk about this time anymore.

Selar: But I know you want to talk about the circumstances that lead to your imprisonment ...
Yelgrun: Yes. My work for "KWAVTO" ["Keevan Was A Victim Too Organization!"] is the main reasons I still give interviews, the media are the perfect platform to make this non-profit organization known to beings all over the quadrant.
Selar: Please explain us the idea behind "KWAVTO".
Yelgrun: If the exchange had worked out, we'd taken field supervisor Keevan back for a rather unpleasant debriefing and afterwards he'd been executed. At that time, this seemed perfectly right to me, it was the law as I learned ever since I popped out of the breeding chamber. Keevan, just like me, was a victim of circumstances.

Field Supervisor Keevan - killed by the Federation?

Keevan - a victim, too?

Yelgrun at a fund-rising concert for KWAVTO on Romulus

But when I got to learn about the Federation law, and about their morals and standards, it suddenly dawned to me that they'd commited an incredible cruel crime. Let's face it: Sisko [aka Swami Oksis, religious leader of the Order of the Holy Home Run] knew he condemned Keevan to a certain painful death when he handed him over to those damned Ferengi - where were his morals and standards?

KWAVTO fights for an official appology by the Federation to the Vorta, for the punishment of the Ferengi who killed a helpless Keevan and for the punishment of Sisko who was responsible for this crime in the first place. And we will not give up till the crimes of the Federation are talked about openly and legal action is taken.

Selar: The Founders ... the Vorta were known for the unconditioned worship of them. What is it like today? Are you a religous man?
Yelgrun: I sure are pet. I mean my faith gives me the power for everything - though I had second thoughts about them being unable to make mistakes. Nobody is. No being, no god. Because its our mistakes that make us strong, that teach us.
Selar: Your appearance is quite different from the one Vorta usually have. You've grown your hair, hide your ridges ... are you ashamed of being a Vorta?
Yelgrun (laughs): Oh, no way! Not at all! The Vorta used to be friendly, peaceful people of a high culture, dedicated to art and philosophy. Don't believe that old "ape like creatures" shite! So there's nothing to be ashamed of. Sure, looking back, I can't help but regret some of the things the Dominion did - but then again, the almost successful genocide on the Founders by the Federation won't earn your folks much merits, either. But I can understand some alien races get the heebiejeebies when they see ridges - so I've grown my hear and try to hide them. And long hair sure goes down well with the ladies ... (he gives Doc Selar a cheeky grin)

Click on the picture to hear Yelgrun speak

Selar: The ladies - you got the reputation of being quite a ladies Vorta - is it true?
Yelgrun: (laughs loud): Oh my - yeah well, sure pet! When I was released from imprisonment, I had all the time in the world to take my chances with the girls, after all there was a lot I had to catch up on, you know! For some reasons people thought Vorta, being clones, had no interest in physical relationships, but boy, they sure were wrong! Just look around the quadrant - we're a rather broody bunch, given the chance to! When I was on Bajor I saw quite a couple of little Bajoran/Vorta hybrids - with ridged noses and ridges ears, really cute!
Selar: So you're planning on starting your own family, too?
Yelgrun: No. Not yet, but then again, you never know what's going to happen. I don't believe in "planning" things. Maybe I meet Mrs Right tomorrow, maybe I'll never meet her at all. Or maybe it's a Mr Right, I don't know. Que sera, sera. At this moment of my life I'm too busy gigging and recording, I'm touring all the quadrant and I simply don't have the time to establish a long-lasting relationship. And then there is my career as an actor. I'll star in a movie along with another famous Vorta, Weyoun. This is the first big part I got, so I'm quite nervous about it and I'm very much looking forward to do it.
Selar: What will the movie be called like?
Yelgrun: It's a remake: "Grumpy Old Men".
Selar: Thanks a lot for the interview.

A rather confusing Vorta

Yelgrun - the ladies Vorta:
"We're a broody bunch!"

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