
The history of Jerky or as we call it out here in Northern New Mexico
�Carne Seca� or dried beef, has been around for 1000�s of years. The
Native Americans as well as the Spanish would hang thick strips (or
jerked meat (jerky) of salted venison or other wild game, on or near
their homes. Later on, the American cowboys would use this time-tested
principle on wild game and domesticated cattle.

Growing up in this part of the country (West) beef jerky is as common as
eating peanuts. For generations our families have been involved in
raising cattle and farming and beef jerky plays an integral part of this southwest culture.

When we began:
In 1982, my wife and I began making beef jerky. Over the past 20 years of
operation we have kept our three flavors never changing the recipes.  I
still slice the meat and my wife helps in every step of the operation.
We use only the top round cut of meat or the best type of meat for making
beef jerky. Our beef jerky is 97% fat free and only natural preservatives
are added.  Our jerky has been sent all over the world, from Japan to the
European Continent.

Our Belief:
Our belief is that consistency in flavor and style plus your continued
patronage has made us a winning combination. When you call to order you
will speak to one of the family. Hopefully, you too will become one of
the many that say, �Your jerky still passes the test and is the best!�

Nut Boxes:
In 1990, we added roasted pistachios, cashews, raw pecans and pinon nuts.
In 1995, we added roasted almonds and fruit nut trail mixes. Today we
sell a �nut gift box� that that is nutritious and delicious. For special
occasions these boxes make great gifts.

If you are not completely satisfied with any of our products we will
gladly replace them or  refund your money. Return the unused portion of
the product stating when you purchased this product along with your

Thank you,

Pablo, Mary, Gustavo, Darian Gonzales.
Site Built and Maintained by
JNS Video & Multimeda Productions
[email protected]
Copyright 2002
Pablo's Jerky
Rt. 11, Box 210-V
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87511
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (505) 455-3100
Ordering &Shipping
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