Patriots' Path Council - Black River District
Mount Arlington, NJ
We have earned "Quality Unit" in
2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000,
1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1990
Field Trips
Field trips should be a part of every den�s program. One of the requirements for the National Den Award is two field trips during the year. They are a welcome change from the routine of den meetings.

Make sure to have all the details worked out ahead of time. Get permission, if necessary from the place you are going to. Remember that a minimum of two adults must be present on all field trips.

These are the guidelines which should be followed for any field trip:

File Local Tour Permit Application with your council office 2 weeks prior to any pack trip of less than 500 miles to provide clearance. Webelos dens should file tour permits for Webelos overnight campouts.

It is recommended that parent consent forms be obtained for trips. Pattern the permission slip after the school�s permission slips. The Cubmaster or committee should be informed about any den trips. Den families should be notified of all the information concerning the trip. File the Tour Permit Application for den trips that are out of your town.

Secure adequate, responsible and safe transportation. Use passenger cars, vans or other vehicles. NO ONE SHOULD EVER RIDE IN THE BACK OF A PICKUP TRUCK! Make certain all boys and adults wear their seatbelts at all times. Drivers of vehicles must be licensed, at least 18 years old, and be adequately insured. Ask families to help provide transportation for den and pack trips.

Cub Scouts and leaders should be in proper uniform.

Good behavior is important so other Scout groups will be welcomed later.

Provide plenty of adult supervision. Enlist the help of adult family members. A minimum of 2 adults must be present on any den or pack trip.

Consider distance-how much travel time is involved?

Make arrangements in advance with the place you plan to visit. Be on time.

Tell the boys in advance the highlights of what they expect to see and do.

Coach the boys so they are attentive, courteous, and observe all necessary rules.

Establish the buddy system before starting the trip. Explain that boys remain together at all times.

Locate restrooms immediately upon arrival.

Decide on rendezvous points, gathering times, and plans for eating.

Know where emergency care can be obtained.

See that each boy has enough money for an emergency phone call.

Know how many boys are with you, and have a list of them.

Upon your return, have the boys write your hosts to thank them for a pleasant visit.

If destination is state or national park, show your tour permit upon arrival and be sure to obtain necessary day passes.


There are many different types of field trips you can take as a den :

You can visit manufacturing plants and such to see how things are made.

See how your city is run:Go to police or fire stations, city hall, post office, telephone companies, TV stations, hospitals, and newspapers.

Visit transportation companies that are local.

Visit truck and dairy farms, or food processing plants.

Learn about your heritage by visiting museums, memorials, and art galleries.

There are also outdoors places to visit close by your town.
The list is endless!

It would be a nice idea for the pack to compile a local trip list for all the den leaders. As new ideas for trips come up, you can add to the list. This gives everyone an idea of what they can plan and where they can go.

The Tour Permit Application is available through the pack committee. The local council also has these permits available to use.

Click here for a sample permission slip that you can print and use for the parents.

This permission slip will keep everyone informed as to what the specifics of each field trip are. Good communication between den leaders and parents are so important to the safe, happy running of the den.
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