Patriots' Path Council - Black River District
Mount Arlington, NJ
We have earned "Quality Unit" in
2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000,
1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1990
Gereral Tips For Running A Den
Use the Denner System, it teaches responsibility and cooperation among the Scouts. The Scouts take turns being the Denner. The leader gives them certain responsibilites that they are in charge of. This teaches them that they have an input in the den. It gets them ready for Boy Scouts, where the boys run the program with the help of the Scoutmasters.

Earn an award or Belt Loop each month to encourage the boys to attend monthly Pack meetings. The boys can only recieve their awards at the monthly Pack meeting.

Set up a list of rules for the den. Let the boys help decide what behavior is acceptable and what is not. This goes along with the Good Conduct Candle.

Incorporate the Good Conduct Candle into the meetings. The candle burns during each meeting. If someone breaks one of the den's rules of behavior, the candle is blown out. If the candle can burn all the way down, the den gets to do something special. Let the boys help decide what the reward is.

Construct a Den Doodle for the den. Hand out beads for attendance, uniform, books, etc. that the boys are supposed to bring to the meetings.
Give the boys some say in deciding what achievements they want to work on. Let them help with planning the activities.

Tie together achievements, electives, belt loops, and other awards in your den program. It will give you a variety of things to work on and keep the boys' interests high.

Send home notes for the parents. Give them a list of up-coming meetings so they can plan for them. let them know what you need the boys to work on at home. Contact the parents if the boys miss a meeting so they can finish what they missed at home.

No school-no meeting. Don't plan meetings during school vacations. If school is canceled because of the weather, cancel the den meeting too.

Plan your year out in two parts: Sept. thru Dec. & Jan. thru May. This way the parents know what is going on in the meetings.

Be ready for meetings. make sure whatever project you plan will really work. Have enough supplies and activities planned out to keep the boys occupied. Too much idle time gives the boys chances to get into trouble. A game chest works well for this.

Use your co-leaders and parent volunteers in the meetings. They are there because they are willing to help out. Keep them involved and you will have a den with better cooperation between the parents and you.

Use the resources available to you: books from Council and the Pack, belt loop book, other awards, other leaders, etc.

Become familiar with the handbook the boys are working in. Look through the Cub Scout Leader book to know what awards are available to the boys.


Remember that you are not the parent, you are the den leader, who should be a friend for the boys who likes to explore the world thru their eyes.

ATTEND PACK COMMITTEE MEETINGS. Keep abreast of what the Pack is doing by attending these monthly meetings.

Thank you for volunteering your time and effort in keeping the Pack successfull. We all want the best for the Scouts of our Pack!
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